September 27, 2008

Franklin Raines’ Criminal Enterprise and Barack Obama, His Accomplice **UPDATE** Top Recipients By $/Yr in Congress!

Oh my gosh! You are big time scum Barack Obama. In fact, I can honestly say that you are just as bad as George W. Bush in the expression of bold-faced lies!!! How you can so easily, with a straight face, LIE repeatedly to the American public and having been funded by the very criminals who were the ROOT cause of this FINANCIAL FIASCO is so beyond me... Barack Obama you are right about ONE THING and that is we do NOT need or want 4 more years of MAFIA GANGSTER style politics! ENOUGH with the corruption, greed and fraud ~ ENOUGH already! The ROARING 2000's are OVER!

"About a quarter of the nation's banks lost a combined $10 BILLION to $15 BILLION in the wake of the federal government's takeover of mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, a new industry survey found." [Source: CorpWatch]

Franklin Raines’ Criminal Enterprise and Barack Obama, His Accomplice
September 15, 2008

This is an eye-opener. I’ve simply added Years in Congress and divided total Fraudie Mae and Fraudie Mac donations by that number to rank the top 15 recipients by $ per Year. Obama is winner by a ton! Look at chart above.

As an executive at Fannie Mae, Franklin Raines illegally coerced his employees to falsify accounting facts so he’d get a maximum bonus. The government-backed firm used Enron-like fraud, in part at Raines’s orders, to create the largest bail-out in US history. Raines had the whistleblower fired. From the Heritage Foundation:

"In 2004, after a tip from a whistle blower who was later fired, the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (Ofheo) issued a report finding that the government-sponsored entity Fannie Mae had engaged in Enron-like accounting machinations that allowed Fannie to overstate its earnings and underestimate the risk the company faced. The accounting wizardry Fannie engaged in was designed so that Fannie could meet profit targets to maximize bonus payments to company executives like Clinton administration deputy attorney general Jamie Gorelick and Carter administration assistant director for domestic policy Franklin Raines."

Now, this criminal is Barack Obama’s campaign adviser. Only one member of Congress, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, received more kickbacks from Raines’s Fannie Mae cronies than did Barack Obama–over $120,000 in bribes.

All Recipients of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Campaign Contributions, 1989-2008. (source) THIS IS NO JOKE! These two are at the TOP of this list.... UN-fricken BELIEVABLE!

Name - Office State Party = Grand Total
#1 - Dodd, Christopher - Sr. Senator CT Democrat = $165,400
#2 - Obama, Barack - Jr. Senator IL Democrat = $126,349
#3 - Kerry, John Senator - Sr. Senator MA Democrat = $111,000

Dodd has been in Congress since Moses was a baby. What did Obama do in 2.5 years to earn nearly as much cash from Frannie and Freddie as Dodd earned in 25 years? [Good point!]

Remember Countrywide? According to BusinessWeek Obama’s financial adviser, Raines, was responsible for its demise, too:

"The Countrywide project deemed, “friends of Angelo” or FoA, standing for Friends of Countrywide Chief Executive Angelo Mozilo, apparently provided special loan rates for connected officials. These included Raines, James Johnson (a Democratic party activist and adviser to Sen. Barack Obama who was named to a panel to help choose Obama’s Vice Presidential running mate), Democrat Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, Senator Christopher Dodd, and the chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, Democrat Kent Conrad."

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac control almost 50 percent of all mortgages in the United States. They were started by Democrats, protected by Democrat, funded by Democrats, and absorbed into the government proper at the behest of their paid hacks in the Democrat party. Conservatives have advocated the demolition of these twin towers of corruption, fraud, and bribery for decades. But Democrats blocked every attempt to even hold hearings on corruption in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

But where are the Congressional hearings? Where is the Department of Justice? Why aren’t Raines, Johnson, and Obama doing a perp walk on the evening news?

We could face an economic DEPRESSION because of Obama, Dodd, Biden, Frank, Pelosi, Kennedy, and the rest of the Democrat criminals who’ve destroyed the housing market, put families on the streets, and wrecked Wall Street through greed and avarice on a scale unseen since the Roman Empire!

Fannie also bought off activist groups such as the corrupt Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), which has been indicted, multiple times across the country, for vote fraud (Obama worked closely with ACORN as a street organizer in Chicago). Fannie’s lobbying efforts paid off as liberal politicians such as Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Rep. William Clay (D-Mo.) worked to kill any real reform of Freddie and Fannie. The Washington Post reports: “In an internal memo in 2004, Fannie Mae executive Daniel H. Mudd affirmed what the company’s critics had long contended: In the political arena, ‘we always won’ and ‘we took no prisoners.’”

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