August 3, 2008

The Danger Of Pride!

I sat down and typed the word 'Humility' as if it was whispered in my ear. I was led to this 1 minute video. This is a quality that is sorely lacking all over this world. You have a choice: You can choose to humble yourself on your own terms or you can find out what this word means the hard way. YOU DECIDE! I have typed a transcript for my international readers who need to use Babel Fish to translate.


When we chose to allow pride into our lives, it is built one brick at a time. It often starts small with each additional thought or actions capable of building a tower dedicated to SELF. The result is often models, a specimen of achievement, seemingly free from flaw or defect. But this image is built on nothing more than a foundation of SELF. As it climbs higher, the structure weakens and as time passes holes begin to appear. Each one a small clue alluding to the facade of the designer. Bit by bit it grows becoming unstable as it is weakened by its own attempt to outbuild its flaws.

And then eventually it happens, the weight of the whole system becomes too much to contain and it collapses. Each piece a false role crumbles to the ground. Leaving us right back where we started with an opportunity to build again. Perhaps this time on a stronger foundation ~ HUMILITY.

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