July 7, 2008

7 Famous Quotes written by Rene Descartes

7 Famous Quotes by Rene Descartes

  1. A state is better governed which has few laws, and those laws strictly observed.

  2. Divide each difficulty into as many parts as is feasible and necessary to resolve it.

  3. Except our own thoughts, there is nothing absolutely in our power.

  4. If you would be a real seeker after TRUTH, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.

  5. Whenever anyone has offended me, I try to raise my soul so high that the offense cannot reach it.

  6. You just keep pushing. You just keep pushing. I made every mistake that could be made. But I just kept pushing.

  7. The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest minds of past centuries.


I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I AM


Mammoth said...

Isn't Descartes the person who conceived the X and Y coordinate system, which is the foundation for Calculus?

I recall reading that Descartes conjured up this concept while spending a night huddled down in a foxhole during one of the wars between England and France.



Princess Mononoke said...

Yeah isn't he totally awesome! I too love Renee Descartes. But more so for his philosophical discoveries... ;)

The greatest fact about most of our historical philosophers is that they too were scientists and mathematicians. They questioned everything and deduced new discoveries that became the foundation for all others to follow.

They ALL left a wonderful imprint that will last throughout the ages....

Princess Mononoke said...

I just flashed back to my Symbolic Logic course I had to take while in college. It was sentenial calculus. It felt like twisted mathematics at the time. But now I'm happy to say that I took and passed (survived) that class LOL :)

Mammoth said...

College days...ah, thise college days.

Don't you wish that you could go back in time back to those days, knowing what you now know?

But then you would have to retake Calculus...

Ha ha!