June 10, 2008

Stupid is as Stupid does... part 2 of 2

I would like to share a blogging experience I had yesterday evening on Stop-Obama after posting the news about Obama's campaign associations to the subprime crisis. I just want to give you a taste of the Obamanation idiocy we encounter when blogging.

I must add that I have never been or intend to go to an Obama blog or a Republican blog or a pro-Bush blog or a KKK blog or any blog that I have nothing to contribute or want to contribute or even dialog with. So I ask you why have the Obamanations made it their job to infiltrate and dis-respect ALL pro-Hillary blogs!


Bill Corcoran said on 09 Jun 2008 at 8:54 pm 66

I have been reading some of the “hate” comments directed at Barack Obama and as a former investigative reporter I feel it is my patriotic duty to inform the Secret Service about certain comments made by people on this site. It won’t be the first time I headed off some nutcase who is a threat to a politician.

imustprotest said on 09 Jun 2008 at 8:24 pm 65

Thanks Princess M for that link. (by the way where’s Ahndruw lately, wasn’t he contesting the 2 million foreclosure #), there’s the quote from NObama himself saying 2 million may lose their home)…..As for the political liability for the bambino, let’s see…”I could no more disown Mr. Mozillo…he’s like an uncle to me..he’s not the Mozillo I’ve known!”etc.etc.. Time for another speech?

Princess Mononoke said on 09 Jun 2008 at 9:13 pm 68

LOLOLOL!!! That was a good one Imustprotest… How true and Obama’s response to every obscene person associated to him. He and his campaigners are so twisted and demented it’s crazy!

Bill Corcoran, you are trolling a NOT OBAMA blog. It is OUR Constitutional RIGHT to express our DISDAIN for this man. What I find ironic and quite frankly amusing is how and when you justify ‘hate’. When it’s directed at Obama it’s considered ‘hate’ and you are insulted. However, when it’s Obama’s pastors, church and most everyone else Obama is associated with, you don’t called that ‘hate’… YOU justify their behavior as their ENTITLEMENT!

If your comment is any indication to what Obama’s administration would have in store for all us… I would much rather remain with the moron WE already have in the White House! and I can’t stand Bush!


ea said on 10 Jun 2008 at 6:20 am 6

Three requests: 1. PLEASE learn the correct use of the verbs affect and effect. 2. Learn more about the history of U.S. government policy and actions in Central and South America. When you spout right-winger fallacies, it calls into question the validity of your other points. 3. Please proof read your posts.

Princess Mononoke said on 10 Jun 2008 at 6:43 pm 26

I think you know what you can do with your 3 requests. It IS YOUR free-will to NOT grace Juanita and the other’s NOT OBAMA blog! They can do whatever the heck they’d like. You must be a sadistic sob to keep coming back! Oh that’s right ‘birds of a feather flock together’. Stupid is as stupid does!!!

I frankly enjoyed reading Juanita’s informational post. I have tried for months now trying to get the people of this nation to know the TRUTH about Obama’s affiliations. Most especially this one! The Brzezinsky link ties Obama to the Rockefeller’s who own EXXON/MOBILE.

“Obama’s main overall image adviser and foreign policy adviser is Zbigniew Brzezinski, the co-founder of David Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission, and the mastermind of the disastrous Carter administration.” http://tinyurl.com/6qkm46

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