Okay, this is it I keep hearing in my spirit COURAGE! This is what is required of ALL of us today and the months to come. I have now been led to this audio message given by Pastor Paula White titled, 'Spirit and Truth'. All I can say is WOW! I listened to this message and it sure as heck strengthened my resolve quickly! It was exactly the message I needed to hear from God right now and a message for ALL of you... Each segment is 10 minutes long. I have typed a transcript of this segment for all of my international readers who need to use Babel Fish for translation. As Bishop T.D. Jakes always says, "Get ready, Get ready, Get ready". A MAJOR shift is about to occur! I've typed only 7 minutes of this message. You'll have to listen to the rest.
Tears became your meat day and night. That thing that has broken your heart. You know that thing. That thing that you were dealing with before you got in the car and before you caught the plane to come here. God wants to send you back home and that thing that was broke is going to be fixed. And that thing that was messed up is going to be mended. And that thing that was sick is going to be healed.
Because something is about to HIT your spirit! That says I WIL NOT GIVE UP! I will not give up on my ministry. I am not going to give up on my marriage. I am not going to give up on my children. I am not going to give up on being the head and not the tail. I am not going to give up on the prophetic word that God promised me. I am not going to give up on the vision that God showed me. I am not going to give up on the dream that He placed on the inside of me. I might be in a pit, but He showed me that there was a palace. He showed me that He would use me to save much people alive. He showed me that my brother would bow down. I don't even understand the fullness of it. But I know this is NOT the END OF THE STORY so it MUST be a chapter. I WILL NOT GIVE UP! Slap somebody and say, "YOU can't give up yet, you can't give up yet".
This woman is amazing because she's too desparate to be denied. Some of you have been in some bad situations and all its done is create an insatiable hunger for desparation. Desparation is a good thing, because when you're cute you don't get anything from God. Desparation pushes you through the normal, pushes you through average. I'm too desparate. This woman had a situation she couldn't be cute about. Something touched her. See it's okay for the enemy to mess with somethings because you'll say a little formula prayer. But if he ever messes with that thing, you know that thing, it will cause another some part of you to come out on the inside that you didn't even know was there. She's desparate. She shows us how to be relentless and how to have a tenacious faith. I am not completely sure that I can explain God during this season. I know it is a seasonal change. I know the body of Christ is in transition. I know that every man and woman of God has spoken it in this pulpit. I know there is a new season coming.
But one thing I know you are going to need in this season. One thing I know that I must deposit in your life right now. Is you will need tenacity. You will need something that causes you to endure. To stick. To stand firm. To look at adversity and say I don't think so! I believe what thus saith the Lord and I'm standing and having done all to stand. I stand therefore!
Far too often the truth of it is, is we give up too often. We give up too soon. I mean seriously one rumor wipes out most people. I mean just one serious battle and people lay down and say God take this mantle from me. We give up far too easily. But I want you to think about the thing that is giving you the hell. I want you to think about the thing that is giving you the most problem. The thing that is absolutely causing you to stay up at night. I want you to look at that adversity and get something on the inside and say NEVER GIVE UP!
Because there will be opposition to anything you are believing God for. And whenever you understand that principle that before you really enter your promise land, before you ever enter into the place that God has for you, there will ALWAYS be giants assigned there. Giants are simply sign post that you are getting ready to enter into the promises that God has for you. There will always be opposition where there is opportunity. But you have to prepare for the opposition before you ever get to the promised land.
That's why Noah was a wise man and he built an ARC before he ever saw the storm. The Bible declares in Matthew chapter 7 in verse 24 and 25, "Therefore, whosoever heareth these things of mine and doeth them. I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon the house and it fell not. For it was founded upon a ROCK! The HOUSE was founded upon a ROCK! and when the floods came and when the rain descended. It's not a matter of IF the flood will come and IF the rain will come. It's a matter of WHEN. And life is unpredictable and life is inconsistent. And one thing I can tell you about life is that sooner or later the flood will come to destroy the house. The house is not the place you live. The house is not the place of residence. The HOUSE is the dwelling temple of God. Know ye not that ye are the temple of God. YOU ARE the HOUSE of God. The Bible declares that a wiseman builds his house on the ROCK.
Please that reminds me of Jacob over in Genesis chapter 28, where the Bible says that he was coming back to God after a 20 year fling that he was in Bethal, Bethal means the house of God, and he put his head on the ROCK. After he put his head on the rock, then he had an open vision from heaven. You see we want an open vision from heaven but our mind is NOT resting on the ROCK. And you'll never get an open vision from heaven until your mind is on the ROCK. Because then when your mind is on the ROCK, then you'll build a HOUSE for God. So we're trying to hear from God without our minds being in Christ. And we're looking in the natural instead of seeing in the spiritual. How can I know what God is up to if I keep walking by these sensory mechanisms and looking in the natural what I have and what I don't have.
God is saying I'm getting ready to set you up and build myself a HOUSE. But I can't have a house of God where God is in the house until you rest your head in the ROCK. And until you get your vision, until you get your mind in Christ, and get in a revelation. You'll never going to get heaven's perspective. You're going to keep looking at the people you have and the money you have and the opposition against you and what you're going through and that's all situational. But God's raising you up out of your situation, to walk as an army of believer and revelation. That says even though I don't see it, I know it. Because my head has been resting in the ROCK!
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