June 3, 2008

Barack Hussein Obama Suggests That HIS Supporters Won't Vote for Hillary! Re-POST 2/27

Okay now I have personally had enough of this man! Barack Hussein Obama is NOT fit to become President of the United States of American now or NEVER! What he expresses in this video reveals his TRUE character! I would NEVER vote for this man. The sheer arrogance and NOW he wants our votes! I don't think so...

Barack Obama, you talk of change and remind us all of what WE already know. You make grandiose promises BUT have NEVER told US how you plan to deliver. You may have fooled the people who have been mesmerized by your flowery talk, however for the millions upon millions of US WHO ARE AWAKE, you have another thing coming!

To all of you Obamanations trolling my blog that send me obscene emails almost daily, YOU will thank us all in the years to come. Our country is facing a modern day great depression. Senator Obama has written many bills. However, perhaps only one or two have actually passed. Senator Obama does NOT have the tenacity or let me use a word you could more likely understand, BALLS to defend OUR wellfare against the STATUS QUO! Actions SPEAK much louder than his words...

Hillary R. Clinton WILL become the NEXT President of the United States of America!


I have typed a transcript for my national readers and also my readers from other countries who need to translate. This is straight from the horses mouth or should I say the horses behind:

David Broday from the Christian Broadcasting Network ask Senator Obama, "Will Senator Clinton be a drag for down ticket races as a Presidential Candidate".

Obama says, "I think there is NO doubt she has higher negatives than any of the remaining democratic candidates, that is just a FACT. There are some who will NOT vote for her. I have NO doubt that once the democratic nomination contest is over I will get the people who voted for her. The question is can she get the people who voted for me!" [Party Unifier my ASS!]

"A sow's ear dressed up to LOOK like a SILK PURSE

is STILL a sow's ear"

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