May 4, 2008

The Law of ONE

Wow! I was lead to this video today created by the Humanity Healing Foundation. This video and message are AMAZING and evermost timely! We have only ONE planet and we are only ONE human race! I have typed a transcript taken from the video for those who need to use Babel Fish to translate. Enjoy this message and pass it on....


We are all ONE. When ONE is harmed, all are harmed. When ONE is helped, all are healed. Therefore, in the name of who I AM, and I am ONE with all; I ask that ONLY THAT WHICH IS THE HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL CONCERNED happen here and now, and through all time and space. I give thanks that this is done. SO BE IT!


The Law of One is the original law of Creation. This Master Law is the Law of Omnipresence of ALL Life and it is the Supreme Law over all laws in all dimensions. We are ALL ONE. All Beings exist intrinsically within and of the One Source!

"I can do no other than to be reverent before everything that is called LIFE. I can do no other than to have compassion for ALL that is called LIFE. That IS the beginning and foundation of ALL ETHICS." written by Albert Schweitzer

Mitakuye Oyassin, in the Lakota language means, "all my relations" or "we are ALL related". It is a One-Law TRUTH.

"ALL things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth. Man did NOT weave the web of LIFE; he is ONLY a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself." written by Chief Seattle, Nez Perce 1854

It is said according to Tradition, the Law of One, the unalterable, universal truths was the original religion of the Lemurian and early Atlantean people. It represents the original religion; the unalterable, universal truths and laws as brought into being by the Ultimate Creator.

The divine design of the Creator is imbued within the created. The original, eternal intention of the Law of One is Love-based, respect for FREE-WILL, and perpetual LIFE creation. "Law of One" belongs to everyone of every creed.

"He who experiences the unity of LIFE sees his own Self in ALL beings, and ALL beings in his own Self." written by Buddha

Law of One perspective respectfully acknowledges the inter-connection, interdependence, and intrinsic value of ALL components and Manifestations of LIFE.

"There is only ONE breath. All are made of the same clay. The LIGHT within ALL is the same." written by Guru Granth Sahib

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