February 2, 2008

The Journey To The Ultimate Enlightenment

This is a 6 1/2 minute video for your viewing pleasure. This video has such an amazing message to journey within ourselves, to discover the One thing that will bring you peace, love and happiness. I cried because this has been my personal experience. What's wild about having shared consciousness is that I have been sharing the following description with my family and friends who are open to listen. But not many understand what is Truth. I have copied the following from the YouTube description by UnAsleep.com.


The Journey -- what is it and where does it take us? Each of our Journeys are all different, showing each of us what we need to see along the way, yet our destination is the same.

But don't get stuck in one of the 'towns' along the way -- there are many 'towns' that will go out of their way to encourage you to stay, because your staying seems to help validate that they have 'arrived' -- that they are the end of the line. They may offer you companionship, comfort and more -- they may dangle 'The Secret' in front of you to encourage you to stay. But don't.

Instead, listen for the note of Truth, and don't settle for anything less than The Real. Don't believe in anything that doesn't ring True to you. Don't even believe what I say, unless your internal compass says it is True. (And only YOU can verify that for yourself -- no one else.)

Be a disciple of the Truth only. Let everything else fall by the wayside, and you will find what you Seek. Good luck on your Journey. May you find The One.

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