January 23, 2008

What WE Keep Choosing To Ignore!

These videos are a must see for all in order for you to be aware of the recent laws that have been set into place by our President. I've taken the information below from the the video clip descriptions.


President Bush, without so much as issuing a press statement, on May 9 signed a directive that granted near dictatorial powers to the office of the president in the event of a national emergency declared by the president.

The "National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive," with the dual designation of NSPD-51, as a National Security Presidential Directive, and HSPD-20, as a Homeland Security Presidential Directive, establishes under the office of president a new National Continuity Coordinator.

Translated into layman's terms, when the President determines a national emergency has occurred, the President can declare to the office of the presidency powers usually assumed by dictators to direct any and all government and business activities until the emergency is declared over.

NSPD-51/ HSPD-20 also makes no reference whatsoever to Congress. The language of the May 9 directive appears to negate any a requirement that the President submit to Congress a determination that a national emergency exists, suggesting instead that the powers of the executive order can be implemented without any congressional approval or oversight.

Homeland Security spokesperson Russ Knocke affirmed that the Homeland Security Department will be implementing the requirements of NSPD-51/HSPD-20 under Townsend's direction.


Mammoth said...

Hi there! Visiting here every day, even though i don't post too often.

Watched ~20 minutes of the President's address tonight - that was all I could stand without becoming nauseated.

Does the guy come across as shallow and transparent to you as he seems to me?

Well, I could go on about my impression of Bush tonight, but am feeling too disgusted to say more about it.


Princess Mononoke said...

Hi Mammoth... Welcome back!

Yeah, I watched him too. I don't get how the republican side can get soooo excited with every word that comes out of his mouth???? I mean really did you see Rice and Paulson stand up and applaud in such an exaggerated way???!!!

He really doesn't deserve to be up there! Our government is one big joke.