January 29, 2008

I Can See Clearly NOW!

Hi everybody! I'm back... I have been sooo very sick. This flu virus whatever it was came out of left field last Tuesday and I'm still feeling the remnants. I can't remember the last time I was sick. Then on top of me being supremely sick, the temps dropped and the rain came pouring through Los Angeles. We got hit twice last week by torrential rains. What was weird for me was that I became a little mobile again on Thursday feeling a little better. That was also when our rain had stopped. I had a complete relapse Friday night just as the second wave of rains came down. So this song has a double meaning for me right now! Thank you for your patience with me this past week. I'll get caught up with the news and post it for you very soon.


Mammoth said...

Hi Princess M,
Maybe the message I posted here yesterday didn't go through. Hope you're feeling better now.

Take care, because we care about you.

Princess Mononoke said...

I am feeling much much better.

Thank you Mammoth!!! ;)