This is a full-length video of the movie "Loose Change". I went to visit with a friend this weekend and he wanted me to watch this movie. There really is NO such thing as coincidence! This information correlates with the information I received last Sunday regarding the New World Order. This video blew me away as it will you. As I've said before, I'm NOT one to take anything at face value. However, this video is sooooo well documented it causes YOU to wake UP to the TRUTH! Question everything and trust no one...
I'm posting this NOW because of the fiscal and financial situation underway in the United States of America! PURE manipulation by the 'Power's That Be". As this movie shows, that is all 'they' know how to do for their own self-interest! But rest assured, 'they' will NOT be able to contain this avalanche! Babylon is about to come down...
The JOKE has always been on us, WAKE UP people, we're being played like a fine tuned violin!
Princess M, what would you say if I told you that when I was a child, my unsophisticated parents brought me to little backwoods churches where preachers preached because they had a calling from God, and accepted no pay, and basically predicted a future that is quickly coming to pass.
Using Old and New Testament scripture to paint a picture of Nebuchadnezzar's image that he dreamed in the book of Daniel.
You've got the dragon (civil power), but there is more...
I left a post yesterday, and would like to add one more thing, then I`ll not bother you no more.
I noticed in your "favorite books" section that the bible is not in it. A person needs an anchor in their life, even Jesus studied the Old Testament (He was a Rabbi), and Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy in II Timothy 2:15 "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth"
Is this administration going down the wrong path? Of course it is, but you`ll notice that even Jesus did not rail against the "powers that be" at that time. If you will read the bible, you will see that the Lord sets whoever He wants to in power.
I guess what I`m saying is that this situation where TPTB are taking away precious freedoms will continue, but try not to let it get you down, the Lord has this thing under control. It will have to run it's course.
Take care.
Hi Anon,
I'm sorry I didn't get to your comments sooner, I've been a little distracted.
I have read the Bible and the Torah and the Kabbalah and the Koran etc.
If you read my December post you will discover that I'm very much in tuned with my higher power. I have studied every religion under the sun. I don't have the Bible as my favorite books because as I've mentioned before my spirituality, my relationship with God IS personal.
People will find their way, when they are ready to find their way. It's not for me to impose anything onto them.
Anon, the anchor is not the Bible for me. MY anchor is God, my creator, my source!
OK, I went back and read a few of your post, low and behold you have freemasonary posts too.
I remember when I first started digging into it myself. I remember driving by my town's local mason's cemetary after I found out about all that stuff, and thinking "Lord what an affront this must be to you" and I can assure it is, BUT, I also dug a little deeper and found out some other things such as, did you know that Patrick Henry was a mason?
Do you know how he came about his famous "give me liberty or give me death" speech? He was riding into town when he saw a preacher being whipped till his ribcage was exposed for not taking a "preaching license". After time and much thought and prayer, I`ve come to see the masons in this light...Our forefathers whom many were masons, surely cocooned our infant nation in the beginning, much the same way Eygpt cocooned and nurtured the Israelites the years before Moses brought them out. Now does this mean that erecting phallus symbols is OK? Or having secret meetings is OK? (and yes, MOST of the people buried in my hometown were/are the "movers and shakers" in my town)(yeah, I checked, it disturbed me that bad)
No it's not OK, not IMO from what I have read in the Bible. But I do think they were a means to an end though. The U.S.A. owes a lot of it's freedoms to the masons is what I`ve found out through study.
BUT, one of these days the Lord won`t "wink" at these transgressions, and judgement will come. Exodus 20:5
I don`t know why I`m posting all of this, I guess I seen your post over at HP, and thought you were an interesting person. Kind of rare I`m sorry to say.
God bless and keep you well.
Anon 11:03
Yes Anon I completely agree with your discovery and KNOW that God will give us ALL justice!
These evil people here in the U.S and those other Dictators around the World will pay for the pain and suffering they have caused all of God's creation.
Darkness can not exist where there is light. I've been praying for the TRUTH to be revealed. And slowly ALL of the corruption and greed are being exposed. REV 18:3
One more thing... I really appreciate your feed back. Thank you Anon.
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