This is a great video depicting the destruction of WAR. Edwin Starr became famous for this song in 1970.
I am using this song as a lead in for my commentary regarding President Bush's threat to Iran and declaration of World War III. What is it with this administration that love's love's love's to go invading other countries? There is WAY too much testosterone in POWER all over the world today! Their EGO is so grandiose, they have a 'serve me' mentality and NOT how can I serve you as a leader ought to do. Perhaps it's time they all go visit the Wizard and ask him for a HEART!
I feel that by President Bush playing the role of bully, he's causing the other TYRANTS to form an allegiance. That is where my concern lies... Countries such as China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Myanmar, Sudan et al. They are all of oppressive rule. Nevertheless, WAR IS NOT THE ANSWER! All War does is cause death and destruction. NON of these leader's have any respect for LIFE, only their own, their family and that of their comrades. This includes GWB!
If you notice carefully when he said those nasty three little words... October of this year. That is when the first mortgage credit tsunami wave hit. President Bush was attempting to invoke fear in us all to divert our attention from the REAL issues plaguing us today and FEAR is another form of OPPRESSION!
Click here if you would like to read fact sheets of Iran-US standoff: Twenty reasons against sanctions and military intervention in Iran. Our press is mostly controlled by the White House, therefore the citizens of the United States are not privvy to everything, only what they want us to know (mainly 'their' version of the TRUTH).
The following excerpt is taken from a press conference held at the White House on October 17, 2007. The KEY word in the reporter's question is 'definitely' believe, meaning do YOU have facts to prove your accusations.
Q But you definitively believe Iran wants to build a nuclear weapon?
THE PRESIDENT: I think so long -- until they suspend and/or make it clear that they -- that their statements aren't real, yeah, I believe they want to have the capacity, the knowledge, in order to make a nuclear weapon. And I know it's in the world's interest to prevent them from doing so. I believe that the Iranian -- if Iran had a nuclear weapon, it would be a dangerous threat to world peace. [No Mr. President, you have already done a good job at preventing WORLD PEACE.]
But this -- we got a leader in Iran who has announced that he wants to destroy Israel. So I've told people that if you're interested in avoiding World War III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing them from have the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon. [doesn't this sound like Iraq and weapons of mass destruction case WMD?] I take the threat of Iran with a nuclear weapon very seriously. [What about Pakistan's nuclear threat? Oh that's right Mr. President, Musharraf is one of your comrades] And we'll continue to work with all nations about the seriousness of this threat. Plus we'll continue working the financial measures that we're in the process of doing. In other words, I think -- the whole strategy is, is that at some point in time, leaders or responsible folks inside of Iran may get tired of isolation and say, this isn't worth it. And to me, it's worth the effort to keep the pressure on this government.
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