December 6, 2007

The Rape of the World

I'm hoping this song's message touches you as it has me... In the deepest possible way! Enjoy this 4 minute video clip of OUR world...

By Singer & Songwriter: Tracy Chapman

Mother of us all
Place of our birth
How can we stand aside
And watch the rape of the world
This is the beginning of the end
This is the most heinous of crimes
This is the deadliest of sins
The greatest violation of all time
Mother of us all
Place of our birth
We all are witness
To the rape of the world
You've seen her stripped mined
You've heard of bombs exploded underground
You know the sun shines Hotter than ever before
Mother of us all
Place of our birth
We all are witness
To the rape of the world
Some claim to have crowned her
A Queen
With cities of concrete and steel
But there is no glory no honor
In what results
From the rape of the world
Mother of us all
Place of our birth
We all are witness
To the rape of the world
She has been clear-cut
She has been dumped on
She has been poisoned and beaten up
And we have been witness
To the rape of the world
Mother of us all
Place of our birth
How can we stand aside
And watch the rape of the world
If you look you'll see it with your own eyes
If you listen you will hear her cries
If you care you will stand and testify
And stop the rape of the world
Stop the rape of the world
Mother of us all
Mother of us all


Mammoth said...

What have they done to the Earth?
What have they done to our fair sister?
Ravaged and plundered and ripped her and bit her,
Stuck her with knives in the side of the dawn,
and…wrapped her with fences and dragged her down.

From “The End,” by Jim Morrison and the Doors

Princess Mononoke said...

Wow! I'll have to look for a video of that song and post it next week. Thanks for reminding me of that song. My uncle is a huge fan of the Doors.

Yeah, there are many great songs out. If you can think of any more, please let me know. :)

Thanks Mammoth!

Anonymous said...

It's so sad the world today. I wish it would change.

Mammoth said...

"Yeah, there are many great songs out. If you can think of any more, please let me know."
How about "Time" by Pink Floyd?

Listen to the lyrics.

More people should, and then consider how to spend one's precious minutes...

Princess Mononoke said...

Okay I'll look up the lyrics and then look for a video representation of the song. Then I'll post it this week...

Thanks a bunch Mammoth! :)