December 19, 2007

NIE Iran Nuclear Report - Bush Press Conf. p. 2 of 2

The is a 5 minute CSPAN video clip at a press conference featuring our esteemed President George W. Bush. Interesting article below. My gosh... there is so much spin and rhetoric and lies and cover-ups! It seems that the TRUTH has but disappeared from our vocabulary!?!?

Here is an excerpt taken from an article titled, "Did Bush Get New Iran Intel Last Winter?", written by Gareth Porter, December 18, 2007.

White House officials have now admitted that George W. Bush was told that the intelligence assessment on a covert Iranian nuclear program might change last August, but they have avoided answering the question of when the president was first informed about the new intelligence that led to that revised assessment.

That evasion is necessary, it now appears, to conceal the fact that Bush likely knew about that intelligence as early as February or March 2007.


Mammoth said...

In October we visited the Washington coast and stayed at the Shiloh Inn there.

Every time that we passed by the 'great room,' the television was tuned to FOX, and they were going on and on and on and on about Iran's support of insurgents in Iraq.

They are (were?) really trying to drum up the public's support for an attack on Iran.

Did you know that ALL Shiloh Inns keep their public TV's tuned to FOX?

We will NEVER AGAIN stay at a Shiloh Inn! NEVER!

If you don't like something, then vote with your wallet. Period. They'll get the message.


Princess Mononoke said...

Did it feel like invasion of the body snatchers...? LOL ;) JK

Uumm... I've never been up there so I wouldn't know. However, if I ever do travel up that way... I'll make sure to remember what you said.

If the wallet thing is right, then WE middle class don't have a chance. Nevertheless, I do agree that MONEY talks!

Princess Mononoke said...

This is what I learned from a mentor in my early twenty's:

First, you learn.

Then, you earn.

Then, you give back to the community.

Princess Mononoke said...

I'm working on a post right now to sum up my thoughts on the alliance between China, Russia and Iran.

I'm with you on your thoughts regarding NOT attacking Iran.

Mammoth said...

"Uumm... I've never been up there so I wouldn't know. However, if I ever do travel up that way... I'll make sure to remember what you said."
I believe the Shiloh Inn is a National Chain of hotels.

Princess Mononoke said...

I'm sorry I was referring to the Washington coast.

and I've never ever heard of Shiloh Inn. But if I ever see one on a road trip, I'll make sure to avoid it. LOL ;)