December 30, 2007

The Human Body Energy Centers p. 1 of 3

This is a beautiful fascinating series of video's each under 10 minutes. This video series explains the connection of the human body's energy to that of the Universe. This video interpretation of all that is energy IS amazing! Consciousness, Energy, the Universe are other way's the World describes God.

There are seven key chakra points on our body. Each just as important as the next. The alignment of these chakra's are what keep us balanced. Meditation is the focus of each chakra. This is a way for us to become one with the Universe, and feel love, peace, joy and relaxation. I'm a visual person, so these video's help me stay focused on each color point. There are others who can meditate and focus on their own. Nevertheless, this is a good starting place. Enjoy!

Did you notice these are the seven colors of the rainbow? Plus, seven is the number of completion! WOW...

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