August 29, 2011

Corruption Plagued City Of Vernon Survives Calif Senate Vote! Several State Democratic Senators ABSTAINED From Voting! Meaning They Didn't VOTE AT ALL! COWARDS! YES OR NO!

Sacramento Bee
written by Juliet Williams
Monday August 29, 2011

SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- The California Senate voted against dissolving the troubled Los Angeles-area city of Vernon on Monday, handing a loss to the Assembly Speaker who had made doing away with the tiny city his legislative priority this year.

The bill by Speaker John Perez, D-Los Angeles, failed the Senate on a 17-13 vote Monday, with many Democrats sitting out the vote on AB 46. Perez said the city of fewer than 100 residents is too corrupt to function properly, even if it makes major reforms.

But Democrats were torn between the powerful speaker's legislation and a counter-proposal by Sen. Kevin de Leon, another Los Angeles Democrat and sometimes rival of Perez who last week proposed a laundry list of reforms the city should make in order to stave off disincorporation. He and other city supporters worried about the loss of as many as 55,000 jobs in the industrial haven near downtown L.A.

De Leon called his proposal a moderate and balanced approach to addressing rampant corruption in the city. It would require Vernon officials to sell off city-owned housing, establish an environmental mitigation fund and adopt a host of reforms.

"The world is watching. If they don't implement the aggressive reforms with teeth, we go forward with what we have to do," he told senators before the vote.

Three former top Vernon officials have been convicted of corruption charges for misusing public funds.

Perez called the Senate vote a deep disappointment to residents in Vernon and neighboring communities. He called out de Leon and Sen. Ron Calderon, D-Whittier, who also spoke against the bill.

"Senators Calderon and de Leon, along with their colleagues, have given Vernon a free pass to continue doing business as usual, and those senators will own the responsibility for any misdeeds that may occur in the future," Perez said in a written statement.

Seattle Green Jobs Program Gets $20M, Ended Up Putting Just 14 People To Work! ugh :/

FOX news
written by Dan Springer
August 29, 2011

A green jobs program in one of America's greenest cities is being called a bust 16 months after a $20 million federal grant to weatherize homes in Seattle ended up putting just 14 people to work in mostly administrative jobs and upgrading only three homes in the area.

"The jobs are not there," Todd Myers, who wrote the book "Eco Fads," told Fox News. "So we're training people for jobs that don't exist."

Seattle is not alone. The Department of Energy has allocated $508 million to 41 states for its Better Buildings Neighborhood Program and 600 jobs have been created or retained.

"While communities are advancing their programs at different rates, we are pleased with the progress," the agency wrote in a recent statement.

One year into the three-year program, 9,000 homes have had energy audits and received some kind of upgrade. The goal is to weatherize 150,000 homes by 2013 and save consumers $65 million annually on energy bills. [By the way, look at your electric bill and compare the amount to what you paid same time last year. I can tell you, I've lived in my home for 12 years, use minimal electricity and my electric bill has increased ALOT. The government claims we are going to be saving money, but that is a FALSE ASSERTION! The cost of energy is INCREASING! (emphasis mine)]

Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn says it's too early to declare the program a failure.

"We may have to adjust how we market it and the incentives we provide," McGinn said. "Nobody has really cracked the green jobs code."

Contractors who do the energy audits and home retrofits blame government for getting in the way. To be a participating business in Seattle, the contractor is required to pay workers $21 an hour with full benefits, including retirement pay. But according to several small business owners in the area, the prevailing wage for new workers who lay insulation is $12. per hour.

McGinn, however, insisted that allowing contractors to pay anything less than what the city has declared a ‘living wage', amounts to a 'race to the bottom' for jobs.

"The workforce agreements that were negotiated with contractors at the table made sure that some benefits of this work is going to local workers, and we're going to pay fair wages for it," he said.

But Myers and others say the biggest problem with the program is government is trying to create a market that consumers don't want. The average homeowner in the U.S. pays about $2,000 a year for energy.

The weatherization upgrades are aimed at saving 15 percent on energy consumption. If the retrofit costs $10,000 even with all the government incentives, it will take over 30 years to pay off through lower energy bills.

"The problem is the policies the politicians choose, whether green jobs or retrofits, are based on appearance," Myers said. "They choose things that look good, rather than what's best for the environment."

Among the other cities having trouble fulfilling the green jobs promise are Toledo, Kansas City and Phoenix. So far, those cities have created a combined 72 jobs with $65 million in grants.

The difficulty is magnified on the federal level. President Obama once said he wanted to create 5 million green jobs over 10 years. The 2009 stimulus package included $5 billion toward that goal.

A chunk of that money went for weatherization programs, but according to a Department of Energy inspector general report one year later, "only two of the 10 highest-funded recipients completed more than 2 percent of planned units."

2 States Investigate What Happened To Millions Raised By 9/11 Charities That Didn't Deliver On Promises! ugh :/

Associated Press
written by Brett J. Blackledge and David B. Caruso
Monday August 29, 2011

NEW YORK (AP) -- Officials in Arizona and New York have launched investigations into charities that claim to serve 9/11 causes, probing whether they failed to follow state laws - and may have misspent millions intended to help and honor those affected by the terrorist attacks.

The announcements follow an investigation by The Associated Press last week that uncovered dozens of 9/11 charities across the country that didn't disclose publicly how they raised and spent money, didn't keep promises to create memorials or contribute to 9/11 causes, or did more to help their creators than those affected by the terrorist attacks.

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman's office said state lawyers are conducting their own "broad review" of 9/11 charities to make certain that all documentation for charities related to the 2001 terrorist attacks is in order and that all rules on fundraising and public disclosure are being followed.

In Arizona, state Attorney General Tom Horne said his office is investigating a 9/11 charity that raised more than $700,000 from students, police and others to create a massive memorial quilt that was never completed.

New York officials declined to discuss specific groups they are reviewing, but noted in a statement that state law requires most charities to register with the state if they are based in New York or raising money from citizens. There are some exceptions, such as religious and parent-teacher groups. The law also requires charities to file annual reports, and more detailed financial reports if they collect more than $100,000 a year.

Schneiderman spokeswoman Lauren Passalacqua said the AG "takes issues involving charities and nonprofit abuse very seriously, and encourages anyone with information about such matters to immediately contact our office."

Among troubled charities identified by the AP was Urban Life Ministries, a Manhattan nonprofit that its founder said raised more than $4 million to help 9/11 victims, relatives and first responders. The group also spent at least another $800,000 through 2009 to help Mississippi Gulf Coast residents rebuild after Hurricane Katrina.

Urban Life Ministries, created by the Rev. Carl Keyes, pastor at Manhattan's Glad Tidings Tabernacle church, didn't file the required financial statements with New York state to show how all the millions were spent, according to the attorney general's office. Records show the group filed a 2001 report, but nothing after that. Filings from that year showed that Keyes, his wife and his church received payments from the charity.

Arizona state officials are investigating Stage 1 Productions, a nonprofit that raised $713,000 to promote creation of a memorial quilt stretching across 25 football fields that would honor those killed in the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

Horne, the Arizona attorney general, said investigators launched the inquiry after reading the AP's report that the charity's founder paid himself and his relatives more than a third of the money raised for the project, including $141,000 in compensation, more than $45,000 to repay an undocumented loan, and $200 a week in car allowance.

"Once we start an investigation, I can't talk about that particular investigation until it's concluded," Horne said. "But as a general matter with respect to charities, if somebody represents that he's raising money for the charity, he needs to represent it for the charity. If he's raising it for himself, rather than the charity, that's really theft."

Kevin Held, who created the nonprofit in 2003, also spent more than $170,000 on travel, trips he said were necessary to promote the quilt project and raise more money.

Held has said he did nothing wrong, and can account for all the money spent.

The AP investigation identified 325 charities created after 9/11 to serve victims, their relatives and their memories. Those nonprofits collected $1.5 billion for their causes, which included programs to help those affected by the attacks, memorials to honor the victims, and services and cash provided to relatives of victims.

Most of the charities included in the AP's review followed public disclosure rules, spent the money on their stated purpose and spent very little, if any, on benefits for their founders. But the AP discovered dozens that paid salaries and benefits to their founders without delivering on promises of charity; raised and spent money without publicly documenting their finances; or spent most of the money raised on programs or events, like a motorcycle ride, with only a small amount going to charitable purposes.

Jim Riches, a New York City firefighter whose son died on 9/11 trying to rescue victims inside the World Trade Center, said he was disturbed when he read about some of the charities profiled by the AP.

"I don't even know where these people come from with these charities. Everybody latches onto 9/11, making money," Riches said.

"It's disgusting. They're taking advantage of 9/11," Riches said. "I think it's blood money."

SYRIA: Hezbollah Reaffirms Support For Regime's Repression ie; Assad's CIVILIAN MASSACRE!

BOTH Hamas (Palestine) and Hezbollah (Lebanon) have been supported financially and supplied weapons by Syria and Iran. Hezbollah approves Assad's civilian massacre. Hamas and Hezbollah are radical Islamic militants who have been doing Iran and Syria's bidding. They are like street gangs here across America or the Mexican Drug Cartels, only they over there in the middle east they use bombs. They should be holding NO SEATS in government. Imagine the Mexican drug cartels running the Mexican government?! Oh wait a minute, they already do, indirectly that is... They also have loyal cartel members holding political office here in California, USA.


ANSAmed news
writte by Staff
Friday August 26, 2011

BEIRUT, The leader of the Lebanese Shiite Hezbollah movement, Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah, has today reaffirmed his support for Syria's and for the repression that has been taking place for over five months of anti-regime demonstrations in the country.

''We stand by Syria's side and by the leaders to support them in their reform process,'' Nasrallah told the followers of the pro-Iran movement in a video link. The address was made to a meeting held in Marun ar Ras, a town in the southernmost part of Lebanon, on the blue line of demarcation with Israel. ''Without Syria's support, the South (of Lebanon) would never have been freed,'' the Shiite leader added, speaking on the anniversary of the Day of Jerusalem (Yawm al Quds), an event that has been inspired and funded by Iran for decades now. Nasrallah, who has already made his support for the Damascus regime's policy of repression over the past months, while praising the ''Tunisian, Egyptian and Libyan revolutionaries,'' reaffirmed: ''We want a strong Syria and all those who say they have the interests of Syria, its people and its future at heart, should make efforts to calm the situation now so that everything can be resolved peacefully''.

The Shiite leader then returned to warn of the danger of a fictitious sectarian division between Sunnis and Shiites in the region: "In Syria there are those who are fanning the flames of a sectarian feud in order to realised their plans for a new Middle East."

LIBYA Tripoli Massacre: Entombed In Tiny Cells, All They Could Hear Was The Screaming! Gaddafi Buried People Alive!!! Sadistic Twisted SOB!

The Telegraph UK
written by By Andrew Gilligan, Tripoli
Monday August 29, 2011

"Come with me," said the man, "and I will show you where Gaddafi buried people alive."

We'd been looking around the newly-liberated prison, which for all its fearsome reputation struck me as fairly all right. The large communal cells had carpets, fans, kitchens, showers and even power points. The prison, scene of a notorious massacre in 1996, was later turned into a showplace for visiting foreigners.

But that was not where Gaddafi's police state did its real business. They took the political prisoners somewhere else, somewhere much harder to find.

A few blocks away, on Traffic Light Street, there was a gate in a high-walled compound. Even when it was open, all you could see was blue corrugated-iron garages, a vehicle transport store. But out of sight of the road, behind the garages and another wall, was a concrete building: Gaddafi's torture chamber.

There was a small hallway, with cupboard doors on both walls. It all seemed quite ordinary and I started to get impatient: had I misunderstood my companion, was I on a wild-goose chase? But then I opened one of the cupboard doors, and I saw.

There was a corridor, and off it there were cells, rows of minute black cells. Each was no more than the length of a man, no bigger than your front door laid flat on the ground, with just enough space for a single mattress.

There was no light in these cells; none, apart from one small hole in the ceiling, the size of a drainpipe, casting a dim shaft from somewhere up above.

Later, I climbed up a ladder to the roof, and found that each of these portholes had a cover, movable so the inmate could be left completely in the dark.

Casting about with torches, we found that the entombed had left traces, messages scratched in the walls: "I pray to God that I can spend Eid with my family," wrote Hakim. Eid is tomorrow. Whoever he is, Hakim's prayers may have been answered; or, as the evidence of massacres grows, he may, in the final hours before the regime's own death, have been hauled out and killed.

There were no bodies here, but there was evidence of great suffering. Some of the mattresses, and some of the walls, were stained with blood.

Outside one cell was a metal stand with leather belts attached to it. The wall next to the stand appeared to have been clawed; there were fingernail marks and scratches in the smooth concrete.

"This is where they tied you up and then they beat you," said Adel Amr al-Mslati, a former prisoner held at the complex for three months.

He felt beneath the desk in the main hallway, and produced the wooden stave the interrogators used. It had a knob, like a solid clenched fist, on the end.

The wood was calloused and cracked from the thousands of blows it had delivered and it, too, was stained – at one end with the inmates' blood; at the other with the sweat of their torturers. I didn't need to ask Mr al-Mslati how he'd known where the stave was kept.

"I was arrested in Green Square on Feb 20," he said. "I was in here until May 14 before I was transferred to Abu Salim. This is where they kept you to evaluate you.

"You couldn't move, you could barely turn over in those cells, and you could hear the screaming and the moaning the whole time."

Not every part of the complex was like this. Right next door to the torture chamber, in bizarre contrast, was Gaddafi's VIP detention facility: seven small detached villas, with tasteful terracotta-tiled roofs, for foreigners, political rivals and other people the dictator wanted to treat with respect.

Each house had its own sitting room, office, bedroom and bathroom, complete with vanity unit. A storehouse contained hundreds of cans of (banned) Celtia beer. The furniture was fairly simple, but in somewhat higher taste than in Gaddafi's own compound. However, there was still a wall around the compound and watch towers on the wall.

Under Gaddafi, it seems, the whole country was a jail, and there was a prison for every occasion.

5 Members Of Zetas Drug Cartel Arrested Over Mexican Casino Firebombing That Killed 52 Innocents!

The Dallas Morning news
written by Associated Press
Monday August 29, 2011

MONTERREY, Mexico — Police in northern Mexico have arrested five alleged members of the Zetas drug cartel suspected of setting a casino fire that killed 52 people, authorities said Monday.

Nuevo Leon state Gov. Rodrigo Medina said police are looking for two other suspects.

The five men, ranging in age from 18 to 37, confessed to both participating in Thursday’s attack at Monterrey’s Casino Royale and belonging to the Zetas drug cartel, the governor said. Some had been arrested before for kidnapping or extortion.

Police are investigating whether the attack was in retaliation for nonpayment of extortion money.

The attack “was directed at the casino, not at the people,” Medina said at a news conference where he also showed a video that shows two men filling large jugs at a gas station near the crime scene.

Another surveillance tape of Thursday’s fire shows eight or nine men arriving in four cars and carrying canisters into the Casino Royale. In little more than two minutes, the casino is in flames and choking black smoke churns from the building.

According to witnesses, the gunmen burst into the casino and shouted for people to get out, saying they were burning the place down. But people ran farther inside the building and many were found dead from smoke inhalation in offices and bathrooms.

President Felipe Calderon has offered a $2.4 million reward for information leading to the capture of the casino’s attackers, an amount comparable to rewards offered for the arrest of the country’s top drug lords.

The attack shocked Mexicans in part because most of the victims were middle class women who frequented the casino with friends.

On Sunday, hundreds of people clad in white held signs demanding an end to the violence, as well as the resignation of the governor and Monterrey’s mayor.

The city has seen a spike in drug violence since the split last year between the Gulf and Zetas drug cartels. The fight has left more than 1,000 people dead so far this year in Nuevo Leon state, compared to 828 in 2010 and 267 in 2009.

Nationwide, more than 35,000 people have been killed in drug-related violence since President Felipe Calderon launched an offensive against drug gangs in late 2006, according to the government. Others put the death toll near 40,000.

Billionaire Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway Firm Hasn't Been Paying Its Tax Bill For Years!

New York Post
written by Staff
Monday August 29, 2011

This one’s truly, uh ... rich: Billionaire Warren Buffett says folks like him should have to pay more taxes -- but it turns out his firm, Berkshire Hathaway, hasn’t paid what it’s already owed for years.

That’s right: As Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson notes, the company openly admits that it owes back taxes since as long ago as 2002.

“We anticipate that we will resolve all adjustments proposed by the US Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) for the 2002 through 2004 tax years ... within the next 12 months,” the firm’s annual report says.

It also cites outstanding tax issues for 2005 through 2009.

Obvious question: If Buffett really thinks he and his “mega-rich friends” should pay higher taxes, why doesn’t his firm fork over what it already owes under current rates?

Likely answer: He cares more about shilling for President Obama -- who’s practically made socking “millionaires and billionaires” his re-election theme song -- than about kicking in more himself.

Buffett’s free to back Obama, of course.

And if his firm wants to keep its tax bill low, well, that’s its right, too.

But it would be nice if this “pro-tax-hike” tycoon were a bit more honest about it.

Start, for example, with his grossly disingenuous recent claim that, as he wrote in The New York Times, he paid only 17 percent of his income last year to the government -- even as many working stiffs who make far less than him coughed up higher percentages.

Fact is, unlike most other folks, Warren Buffett gets most of his income from dividends and capital gains, which are nominally taxed at 15 percent.

Left unsaid is that much of that is taxed at 35 percent (via the corporate income tax) before he even gets his hands on it. So in effect, he’s paying taxes twice (that is, when his companies actually pay, anyway).

Counting both taxes, his effective rate would really be well north of 40 percent for a big chunk of his income.

There’s more. Obama, and co-conspirators like Buffett, claim to want to slap only “millionaires and billionaires.”

But in 2009, for instance, fewer than a quarter-million taxpayers (less than two tenths of 1 percent) reported income over $1 million -- and their combined bill was less than $200 billion.

Raise the top tax rate on them by 13 percent, as Obama wants (from 35 percent to 39.6 percent) and you bring in only another $26 billion, tops -- and that’s if your tax hike doesn’t stifle the economy and kill jobs (which it surely would). Yet what’s $26 billion in a world of $4 trillion federal budgets with trillion-dollar-plus deficits?

No wonder Obama’s hikes on “millionaires and billionaires” actually start with folks earning as little as $200,000.

Looks like Buffett’s not the only disingenuous one here. But again, that’s clear from their individual behavior: Obama, Buffett and Democrats like Bill Clinton keep saying they want to pay more taxes.

Fine. They can always write checks.

August 28, 2011

Prepared for His Presence ... ♥

Prepared for His Presence Part 1 from PWM on Vimeo.

Prepared for His Presence Part 2 from PWM on Vimeo.

Grace and Truth... ♥ AWESOME MESSAGE!

Joseph Prince: On GRACE And LOVE Of God

Another AMAZING MESSAGE given by Pastor Joseph Prince! ♥

Make Grace The Principal Thing, Cast Out Hagar (The Law)

AMAZING MESSAGE given by Pastor Joseph Prince!

Revisit the story of Abraham, Sarah and Hagar with new eyes! Join Joseph Prince as he unfolds the drama, characters and events as typologies in this in-depth study of grace versus law. Learn why we must cast out "Hagar" (the law) in our lives and make "Sarah" (grace) the principal thing. See also Jesus' heart of love in wanting to deal with us based on grace. Keep hearing this powerful message and begin to experience a greater and greater measure of the freedom and victory you have in Christ!

If you want to listen to more youtube messages please visit:

God Will See You Through The Storm

God Will See You Through The Storm
written by Dwight Thompson

Storms drive little birds to seek shelter, but the eagle flies higher because of the storm.

Storms drive some from God—others they drive to God.

God is our refuge and strength, and ever-present help in trouble. (Psalm 46:1)

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10)

A vessel was almost driven onto a rocky coast during a storm. Contrary to orders, one man went on deck. He saw the pilot holding the wheel unwaveringly, slowly turning the ship back out to sea. When the pilot saw the man, the pilot smiled. The man went below saying, "All is well, I saw the face of the pilot and he smiled."

Hudson Taylor said, "It does not matter how great the pressure; it matters only where the pressure lies, whether it comes between you and God, or whether it presses you closer to his heart."

Character is to the heart what a foundation is to a house. Compromise in either cannot stand in a storm. Listen to the words of Matthew regarding foundations:
Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain cam down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash. (Matthew 7:24-27)
The same pressures come to the good and the bad, but how they abide them proves the character.

Inward Obedience Provides Outward Growth

Someone has said, "With Jesus in the vessel, I smile at the storm. Fear sees the storm; faith sees God in the storm. Jesus Christ is no security against storms, but He is perfect security in storms. He does not promise an easy passage, but He guarantees a safe landing."

When the Titanic was built, it was called the "unsinkable ship." Yet the world soon learned that this was not true, for the vessel sank after hitting an iceberg.

Contrary to the Titanic, with Jesus in the ship of our lives, no matter how severe the storm, we are unsinkable with Him as our pilot.

Your Dimension Of Greatness!

Your Dimension Of Greatness
An Inspirational Poem
written by Author Unknown

No one can know the potential,
Of a life that is committed to win;
With courage - the challenge it faces,
To achieve great success in the end!

So, explore the Dimension of Greatness,
And believe that the world CAN be won;
By a mind that is fully committed,
KNOWING the task can be done!

Your world has no place for the skeptic,
No room for the DOUBTER to stand;
To weaken your firm resolution
That you CAN EXCEL in this land!

We must have VISION TO SEE our potential,
And FAITH TO BELIEVE that we can;
Then COURAGE TO ACT with conviction,
To become what GOD MEANT us to be!

So, possess the strength and the courage,
To conquer WHATEVER you choose;
That is destined FOREVER to lose!

August 27, 2011

Don't Worry About A Thing... ♥

Life is a mixture of sunshine and rain, teardrops and laughter, pleasure and pain. Just remember, there was never a cloud that the sun couldn't shine through. :)

This is where it's at... May you FEEL INSPIRED today!!! ♥

"Youth is happy because it has the ability to see beauty.
Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old."
~ by Franz Kafka

"May my heart always be open to little birds
who are the secrets of living."
~ by e.e. cummings

"Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile,
but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy."
~ by Thich Nhat Hanh

"Once we believe in ourselves,
we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight,
or any experience that reveals the human spirit."
~ by e.e. cummings

Three Little Birds ~ by the Legendary Bob Marley

Don't worry about a thing,
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right.
Singin': "Don't worry about a thing,
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right!"

Rise up this mornin',
Smiled with the risin' sun,
Three little birds
Pitch by my doorstep
Singin' sweet songs
Of melodies pure and true,
Sayin', ("This is my message to you-ou-ou:")

Singin': "Don't worry 'bout a thing,
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right."
Singin': "Don't worry (don't worry) 'bout a thing,
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right!"

Rise up this mornin',
Smiled with the risin' sun,
Three little birds
Pitch by my doorstep
Singin' sweet songs
Of melodies pure and true,
Sayin', "This is my message to you-ou-ou:"

Singin': "Don't worry about a thing, worry about a thing, oh!
Every little thing gonna be all right. Don't worry!"
Singin': "Don't worry about a thing" - I won't worry!
"'Cause every little thing gonna be all right."

Singin': "Don't worry about a thing,
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right" - I won't worry!
Singin': "Don't worry about a thing,
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right."
Singin': "Don't worry about a thing, oh no!
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right!

Reaching Your Dream Takes Courage

Reaching Your Dream Takes Courage
written by Caroline Kent

Courage is admitting that you're afraid and facing that fear directly. It's being strong enough to ask for help and humble enough to accept it.

Courage is standing up for what you believe in without worrying about the opinions of others. It's following your own heart, living your own life, and settling for nothing less than the best for yourself.

Courage is daring to take a first step, a big leap, or a different path. It's attempting to do something that no one has done before and all others thought impossible.

Courage is keeping heart in the face of disappointment and looking at defeat not as an end but as a new beginning. It's believing that things will ultimately get better even as they get worse.

Courage is being responsible for your own actions and admitting your own mistakes without placing blame on others. It's relying not on others for your success, but on your own skills and efforts.

Courage is refusing to quit even when you're intimidated by impossibility. It's choosing a goal, sticking with it, and finding solutions to the problems.

Courage is thinking big, aiming high, and shooting far. It's taking a dream and doing anything, risking everything, and stopping at nothing to it make it a reality.

You Are An Eternal Being... ♥

"You are an eternal being
now on the pathway of endless unfoldment,
never less but always more yourself.
Life is not static.
It is forever dynamic, forever creating
- not something done and finished,
but something alive, awake and aware.
There is something within you
that sings the song of eternity.
Listen to it."
~ by Ernest Holmes

The Impact Of Attitude... ♥

The Impact Of Attitude
~ by Charles Swindoll

The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, gifted ability, or skill. It will make or break a company, a church, a home.

The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace from that day. We cannot change our past, we cannot change the fact that people will act in certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing that we can do is play on the one string that we have and this string is, Attitude. I am convinced that life is ten percent what happens to me and ninety percent how I react to it. And so it is with you....We are in charge of our Attitudes.

Never Surrender

Never Surrender
poem written by W.A.Simmons

I'll not let you beat me, there's nothing you can do.
No force could be imposed on me, that would see me succomb to you.
No obstacle you throw at me, will block my path for long.
I'll simply find another way, my desires are far too strong.
No winds could blow me hard enough, to drive me off my course.
Your's could never hope to match, that of my driving force.
Nor waves or raging torrents, you might muster, will ever sweep.
From this path I've chosen, or all it is I seek.
So to you, I welcome your challenges, each one you may throw.
They only serve to strenghten me and with everyone, I'll grow.

August 26, 2011

Judicial Watch Victory: Federal Court Slaps Down Obama Administration Secrecy, Rules White House Visitor Logs Subject to FOIA! WooHOO! :)

Judicial Watch: Because no one is above the law!
written by Staff
August 17, 2011

Washington, D.C. - Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today that a federal court ruled today against the Obama administration that Secret Service White House visitor logs are agency records that are subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The decision was issued by U.S. District Judge Beryl Howell, an Obama appointee, in Judicial Watch v. U.S. Secret Service (No. 09-2312).

In its lawsuit against the U.S. Secret Service, Judicial Watch asked the court to order the release of Secret Service logs of White House visitors from January 20, 2009, to August, 10, 2009. The Obama administration attempted to advance the erroneous claim that the visitor logs “are not agency records subject to the FOIA [Freedom of Information Act].” As Judicial Watch noted in its complaint filed on December 7, 2009, this claim “has been litigated and rejected repeatedly.” Despite White House misinformation to the contrary, tens of thousands of visitor logs are being withheld from disclosure by the Obama administration. These records are now subject to disclosure under FOIA.

Judge Howell ruled that “the proper course of action by the Secret Service is duly to process [Judicial Watch’s] FOIA request, disclose all segregable, nonexempt records, and then assert specific FOIA exemptions for all records it seeks to withhold.” Currently, the White House releases visitor information at its own discretion, the timing and specifics of which, it insisted, was not subject to court review.

“This is a major victory for open government and an embarrassing defeat for the Obama administration,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “This administration will now have to release all records of all visitors to the White House – or explain why White House visits should be kept secret under law. It is refreshing to see the court remind this this administration that the rule of law applies to it.”

Gibson Guitar CEO Speaks Out About Federal Govt Armed Raids At Two Of His Factories. UNFOUNDED ALLEGATIONS! No Charges Have Been Filed Against Them! UNREAL! This Is HARASSMENT! >:/


Memphis Daily news
written by Andy Meek
Friday August 26, 2011

In a press conference Thursday, Aug. 25 that at times touched on themes of class warfare and government overreach, Gibson Guitar Corp. chairman and CEO Henry Juszkiewicz struck back against federal agents’ raid several days ago of his company’s factories and offices in Memphis and Nashville.

Around 8:45 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 24, agents executed four search warrants on Gibson facilities in the two cities. They seized several pallets of wood, electronic files and guitars.

But Gibson’s CEO says his company has not been told what it did wrong and that he assumes the allegation is that some of the wood being used to manufacture the company’s guitars is illegal.

“Everything is sealed. They won’t tell us anything,” Juszkiewicz said, never raising his voice but pulling no punches in his defense of the storied guitar maker.

He valued the equipment and raw materials seized from Gibson at almost $1 million. At one point, the chief executive said he’s letting the U.S. Justice Department know he’s telling his employees to keep making the instruments.

“We are noticing the Justice Department that I’m taking that step, and we’ll see what they do,” he said. “You might be interviewing me in jail in another hour or so – we’ll see.”

In a statement released following the raids, Gibson said it marks the second time federal agents have raided the company’s facilities and interrupted production, but that this time it caused lost productivity and sales.

“The federal bureaucracy is just out of hand,” Juszkiewicz said. “And it seems to me there’s almost a class warfare of companies versus people, rich versus poor, Republicans versus Democrats … and there’s just a lack of somebody that stands up and says, ‘I’m about everyone. I’m really about America and doing what’s good for the country and not fighting these little battles.’

“We feel totally abused,” he continued. “We believe the arrogance of federal power is impacting me personally, our company personally and the employees here in Tennessee, and it’s just plain wrong.”

The company stated it assumes the raid stems from an alleged violation of the U.S. Lacey Act, legislation that requires anyone coming into the U.S. to declare with unambiguous specificity the nature of materials being brought into the country.

According to Gibson: “The U.S. Lacey Act does not directly address conservation issues but is about obeying all laws of the countries from which wood products are procured. This law reads that you are guilty if you did not observe a law even though you had no knowledge of that law in a foreign country. The U.S. Lacey Act is only applicable when a foreign law has been violated.”

Clinton-Appointed Federal Judge Strikes Down Individual Mandate Attached To Pres Obama's Healthcare Reform Law!!! YAAAY! :)

Reason news
written by Damon W. Root
August 12, 2011

Liberal and progressive activists were pleased back in June when conservative 6th Circuit Judge Jeffrey Sutton voted to uphold the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate as a lawful exercise of Congress’ power “to regulate commerce...among the several states.” Now conservatives and libertarians have a Sutton of their own. As Peter Suderman reported earlier, the 11th Circuit today became the first federal appellate court to strike down the individual mandate. And notably, one of the two judges who joined that majority opinion was Clinton appointee Judge Frank Hull. Party affiliation means much less than judicial philosophy, of course, but for those keeping track the cross-partisan score is now even. And since we already have an excerpt from the majority opinion, here’s how dissenting Judge Stanley Marcus (also a Clinton appointee) justifies his solo vote in favor of upholding the individual mandate:
In the process of striking down the mandate, the majority has ignored many years of Commerce Clause doctrine developed by the Supreme Court. It has ignored the broad power of Congress, in the words of Chief Justice Marshall, “to prescribe the rule by which commerce is to be governed.” Gibbons v. Ogden, 22 U.S. (9 Wheat.) 1, 196 (1824). It has ignored the undeniable fact that Congress’ commerce power has grown exponentially over the past two centuries, and is now generally accepted as having afforded Congress the authority to create rules regulating large areas of our national economy. It has ignored the Supreme Court’s expansive reading of the Commerce Clause that has provided the very foundation on which Congress already extensively regulates both health insurance and health care services. And it has ignored the long-accepted instruction that we review the constitutionality of an exercise of commerce power not through the lens of formal, categorical distinctions, but rather through a pragmatic one, recognizing, as Justice Holmes put it over one hundred years ago, that “commerce among the states is not a technical legal conception, but a practical one, drawn from the course of
business.” Swift & Co. v. United States, 196 U.S. 375, 398 (1905).

The approach taken by the majority has also disregarded the powerful admonitions that acts of Congress are to be examined with a heavy presumption of constitutionality, that the task at hand must be approached with caution, restraint, and great humility, and that we may not lightly conclude that an act of Congress exceeds its enumerated powers. The circumspection this task requires is underscored by recognizing, in the words of Justice Kennedy, the long and difficult “history of the judicial struggle to interpret the Commerce Clause during the transition from the economic system the Founders knew to the single, national market still emergent in our own era.” United States v. Lopez, 514 U.S. 549, 568 (1995) (Kennedy, J., concurring).
ObamaCare is now one giant step closer to the Supreme Court.

Classic Cartoon Intermission! We Could ALL Use Some Levity Right Now! HEY FIGARO! ;D

It's been a long while since I've shared these classic cartoons with you. I was inspired by my last post on PaGAGnini. Enjoy! ♥

PaGAGnini... Classical Music In The Key Of Comedy!

I absolutely LOVE this group PaGAGnini!!! I have just watched several video's of their performances and I'm feeling totally giddy!!! THIS IS GREAT ENTERTAINMENT! Enjoy! :)

Classical Music In The Key Of Comedy
[source: Flixxy]

'Pagagnini' bring to life some of the most treasured musical pieces in the key of comedy.

The virtuoso violinist Ara Malikian along with three more musicians not only perform some of the greatest compositions of geniuses at the level of Mozart, Pachelbel, Chopin and of course, Paganini, but also involve popular genres such as rock or folk.

The musicians play, dance, jump, laugh, cry, interact and with the audience converting the show into an original comedy where the violin and the cello transform themselves spontaneously into new and original instruments.

HAPPY FRIDAY Everybody!!! Cartoon Humor To Get You SMILING This Morning! :D

ATF Denies It Promoted Operation Fast And Furious Supervisors That Were Involved In The Sale Of High-Powered Weapons To Mexico's VIOLENT Drug Cartels Scandal! WE WANT ANSWERS!

The Los Angeles Times
written by Richard A. Serrano
August 17, 2011

The federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said Wednesday that three supervisors in its controversial Fast and Furious gun-trafficking investigation were transferred to lateral jobs, not promoted.

"They did not receive salary or grade increases, nor did they assume positions with greater responsibility," the agency said in a short statement.

The Times reported Tuesday that William G. McMahon, William D. Newell and David Voth, three key supervisors in the Phoenix-run investigation that went awry, were promoted to management positions at the ATF's Washington headquarters.

After that report, the House committee investigating Fast and Furious asked the ATF to explain the new jobs and clarify whether the men had been promoted. On Wednesday, the agency's acting director, Kenneth E. Melson, told the Oversight and Government Reform Committee staff that the jobs were not considered promotions because no one got a raise. Then the ATF issued its statement.

Operation Fast and Furious was intended to identify Mexican drug cartel leaders and gun-smuggling routes across the border. The ATF allowed straw purchasers to buy weapons in the U.S., planning to track the guns to Mexico and drug cartel leaders. Instead, many of the weapons vanished and turned up at crime scenes in Mexico and the U.S., including at the slaying of a U.S. Border Patrol agent in Arizona last December.

Melson announced McMahon's new job in an email Sunday, citing him for the "skills and abilities" he demonstrated throughout his career.

Three ATF agents, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the continuing investigation, told The Times Monday that they were amazed at what they viewed as promotions to headquarters.

Also Monday, three ATF public affairs spokesmen did not to return calls for comment.

On Wednesday, however, the AFT said in its statement: "Media reports inaccurately characterized personnel changes … as promotions."

The ATF said McMahon, field operations deputy assistant director, was reassigned to a position with the Office of Professional Responsibility and Security Operations, filling a spot that had been vacant for more than a year. It said the reassignment took place May 13.

The agency also said Newell, who ran the ATF's Arizona and New Mexico field office during Fast and Furious, was reassigned to the Office of Management to assist with congressional and inspector general's investigations into the failed operation.

And it said Voth was reassigned to a headquarters position.

"These transfers/reassignments have never been described as promotions in any of the documents announcing them," the ATF's statement said.

Fast and Furious ran from November 2009 to January 2011. Hundreds of firearms vanished on both sides of the border. Nearly 200 were recovered at crime scenes in Mexico, and the Justice Department said the ATF had told it that weapons also were recovered in at least 11 "violent crime instances" in this country, from Arizona to Texas.

No cartel leaders were ever arrested.

Past Time For Answers On Operation Fast And Furious Where US Agency Sold High-Powered Weapons To Mexico’s Violent Drug Cartels! Connect The Dots Folks To My Previous RFID Post!

Sierra Vista Herald
written by Staff
August 21, 2011

It’s well past time the American public receive clear answers on Operation Fast and Furious.

At this juncture, after months of a congressional investigation, it appears Attorney General Eric Holder and the Department of Justice are committed to hoping an extended silence will allow the entire scandal to simply go away

Each time law enforcement officials recover another of the thousands of guns that were allowed to be transported to members of Mexican drug cartels, the failure of this operation is again brought to light.

Fast and Furious, which was the Arizona version of a similar investigation called Gunrunner in Texas, was conceived and approved somewhere by someone around October 2009, and was tasked to the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. The goal was to allow “straw man” gun purchases in the U.S. and track the high-powered weapons to their expected destination, Mexico’s violent drug cartels.

What has happened is nothing short of a national disgrace.

Someone at the federal level, we still have no specific information on whom or which agency, allowed these investigations to proceed without intervening before the weapons left the United States.

What has resulted is the death of two federal agents, shot with guns traced back to these investigations, and the suspected murder of hundreds of Mexicans caught in the middle of the violent drug wars.

Even as Justice Department officials have stalled and stonewalled, what new details have emerged are alarming.

Republican Sen. John Cornyn of Texas has been a leader in demanding information on this fiasco, as he should on behalf of his border-state constituents. Yes, it’s possible he sees partisan advantage in going after a Democratic administration, but it doesn’t make him wrong.

Until we get the extent of this failure, and find who is accountable, the investigation should continue with urgency.

Can Under-The-Skin GPS Tracking Devices Protect You If Kidnapped? Oh Dear LORD! It's Happening And Wealthy Mexicans Are VOLUNTEERING! That's What The Power's That Be Wanted! :/

GPS Fleet Management
written by Christine W.
August 23, 2011

In Mexico many families are constantly living under the threat of being kidnapped. It is a scary but true reality. Kidnappings are up 317 percent in the past five years, according to a recent Mexican congressional report.

Wealthy and upper class Mexicans living in fear of being kidnapped are turning to GPS tracking devices as a precautionary measure. People are spending thousands of dollars to have GPS tracking-enabled RFID chips implanted under their skin and the skin of family members.

According to Xega, the Mexican company that sells the RFID chips and performs the implants, the chip is implanted in the tissue between the shoulder and elbow. It sends a signal to a GPS tracking device that the wearer carries. The chip relays a signal to an external Global Positioning System unit the size of a cellphone. If the owner is stripped of the GPS device in the event of an abduction, Xega can still track down its clients by sending radio signals to the implant.

The company says it has helped rescue 178 clients in the past decade. Company sales have increased 40 percent in the past two years.

However, according to the Post, it is very unlikely that the GPS tracking device actually works properly.

RFID researchers say that Xega’s claim that it can still find clients even if their external GPS unit has been lost is ludicrous. The technology that would allow remote tracking of RFID signals is still far off, they say. A Xega executive acknowledged that the implant would likely not work without the external GPS.

However, RFID researchers and engineers in the United States said a device that could communicate with satellites or a local cellular network would need a battery and antenna the size of a cellphone. A GPS tracking device would have to send a signal at regular intervals, which would quickly drain the battery, rendering the system useless, the Post reported. “It’s nonsense,” Mark Corner, an RFID researcher and computer science professor at the University of Massachusetts, told the Post.

Justin Patton, managing director of the University of Arkansas RFID Research Center, says developing such a device is far in the future. “There’s no way in the world something that size can communicate with a satellite,” Patton told the Post. “I have expensive systems with batteries on board, and even they can’t be read from a distance greater than a couple hundred meters, with no interference in the way.”

Nonetheless, Mexican companies such as Xega report implanting thousands of the devices for $2,000 and an annual fee of another $2,000. Other companies are selling GPS tracking devices that can fit on a key chain that have panic buttons, but experts also caution about their viability.

With Kidnappings Up 317%, Mexicans Turn To Tracking Chips! UN-fricken-BELIEVABLE!!! It's HAPPENING! RFID IMPLANTED CHIPS! Not A Conspiracy Theory ANYMORE! :/

The Seattle Times
written by Nick Miroff, The Washington Post
August 22, 2011

QUERÉTARO, Mexico — Of all the strange circumstances surrounding the violent abduction last year of Diego Fernandez de Cevallos, the Mexican power broker and former presidential candidate known here as "Boss Diego," perhaps nothing was weirder than the mysterious tracking chip the kidnappers allegedly cut from his body.

Lurid Mexican media accounts reported that an armed gang invaded Fernandez' home, sliced open his arm with a pair of scissors and extracted a satellite-enabled tracking device.

Fernandez was freed seven months later with little explanation, but the gruesome details of his crude surgery have not dissuaded thousands of worried Mexicans from seeking out similar satellite and radio-frequency tracking products — including scientifically dubious chip implants — as abductions in the country soar.

According to a recent Mexican congressional report, kidnappings have jumped 317 percent in the past five years. Under-the-skin devices such as the one allegedly carved out of Boss Diego are selling here for thousands of dollars on the promise that they can help rescuers track down kidnapping victims. Xega, the Mexican company that sells the chips and performs the implants, says its sales have increased 40 percent in the past two years.

For $2,000 upfront and annual fees of $2,000, the company provides clients with a subdermal radio-frequency identification chip (RFID), essentially a small antenna in a tiny glass tube. The chip, inserted into the fatty tissue of the arm between the shoulder and elbow, is less than half an inch long and about as wide as a strand of boiled spaghetti.

The chip relays a signal to an external GPS unit the size of a cellphone, Kuri said, but if the owner is stripped of the GPS device in the event of an abduction, Xega can still track down its clients by sending radio signals to the implant. It says it has helped rescue 178 clients in the past decade.

But RFID researchers and engineers in the United States call it a sham. Any device that could communicate with satellites or even the local cellular network would need a battery and sizable antenna, like a cellphone, they say.

The development of an RFID human implant that could work as a tracking device remains far off, said Justin Patton, managing director of the University of Arkansas RFID Research Center, which specializes in product and merchandise tracking for retail companies such as Wal-Mart.

"There's no way in the world something that size can communicate with a satellite," Patton said. Water is a major barrier for radio frequency, he added, and because the human body is mostly made up of water, it would dull the signal, as would metal, concrete and other solid materials.

Xega executives acknowledged that a Xega implant would be essentially useless unless the client carried the GPS-enabled transmitter.

Several other Mexican companies also sell GPS-enabled tracking units with panic buttons, relying on more-proven forms of technology. The transmitters, smaller than a cellphone, can fit on a key chain, and they work by communicating with cellular networks.

August 25, 2011

King, In Word And Stone

The Washington Post
written by Charles Krauthammer
Thursday August 25, 2011

It is one of the enduring mysteries of American history — so near-providential as to give the most hardened atheist pause — that it should have produced, at every hinge point, great men who matched the moment. A roiling, revolutionary 18th-century British colony gives birth to the greatest cohort of political thinkers ever: Jefferson, Adams, Madison, Hamilton, Washington, Franklin, Jay. The crisis of the 19th century brings forth Lincoln; the 20th, FDR.

Equally miraculous is Martin Luther King Jr. Black America’s righteous revolt against a century of post-emancipation oppression could have gone in many bitter and destructive directions. It did not. This was largely the work of one man’s leadership, moral imagination and strategic genius. He turned his own deeply Christian belief that “unearned suffering is redemptive” into a creed of nonviolence that he carved into America’s political consciousness. The result was not just racial liberation but national redemption.

Such an achievement, such a life, deserves a monument alongside the other miracles of our history — Lincoln, Jefferson and FDR — which is precisely where stands the new Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial. It opened Monday on the Tidal Basin, adjacent to Roosevelt’s seven acres, directly across from Jefferson’s temple, and bisecting the invisible cartographic line connecting the memorials for Jefferson and Lincoln, authors of America’s first two births of freedom, whose promises awaited fulfillment by King.

The new King memorial has its flaws, most notably its much-debated central element, the massive 30-foot stone carving of a standing, arms crossed, somewhat stern King. The criticism has centered on origins: The statue was made in China by a Chinese artist. The problem, however, is not ethnicity but sensibility. Lei Yixin, who receives a lifetime government stipend, has created 150 public monuments in the People’s Republic, including several of Chairman Mao. It shows. His flat, rigid, socialist realist King does not do justice to the supremely nuanced, creative, humane soul of its subject.

The artistic deficiencies, however, are trumped by placement. You enter the memorial through a narrow passageway, emerging onto a breathtaking opening to the Tidal Basin, a tranquil, tree-lined oasis with Jefferson at the far shore. Here stands King gazing across to the Promised Land — promised by that very same Jefferson — but whose shores King himself was never to reach. You are standing at America’s Mount Nebo. You cannot but be deeply moved.

Behind the prophet, guarding him, is an arc of short quotations chiseled in granite. This is in keeping with that glorious feature of Washington’s monumental core — the homage to words (rather than images of conquest and glory, as in so many other capitals), as befits a nation founded on an idea.

The choice of King quotations is not without problems, however. There are 14 quotes, but in no discernible order, chronological or thematic. None are taken from the “I Have a Dream” speech for understandable reasons of pedagogical redundancy. Nevertheless, some of the quotes are simply undistinguished, capturing none of the cadence and poetry of King’s considerable canon.

More troubling, however, is the philosophical narrowness. The citations dwell almost exclusively on the universalist element of King’s thought — exhortations, for example, that “our loyalties must transcend our race, our tribe, our class, and our nation; and this means we must develop a world perspective,” and “every nation must now develop an overriding loyalty to mankind as a whole in order to preserve the best in their individual societies.”

Transcending all forms of sectarianism to achieve a common humanity was, of course, a major element of King’s thought. But it was not the only one. Missing is any sense of King’s Americanness. Indeed, the word America appears only once, and only in the context of stating his opposition to the Vietnam War. Yet as King himself insisted, his dream was “deeply rooted in the American dream.” He consciously rooted civil rights in the American story, not just for tactical reasons of enlisting whites in the struggle but because he deeply believed that his movement, while fiercely adversarial, was quintessentially American, indeed, a profound vindication of the American creed.

And yet, however much one wishes for a more balanced representation of King’s own creed, there is no denying the power of this memorial. You must experience it. In the heart of the nation’s capital, King now literally takes his place in the American pantheon, the only non-president to be so honored. As of Aug. 22, 2011, there is no room for anyone more on the shores of the Tidal Basin. This is as it should be.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial 30-Ft High Granite Sculpture "MADE IN CHINA" ugh :/

written by Roger Simon
Thursday August 25, 2011

God and the weather willing, the Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial soon will be dedicated amid moving speeches, joyous hoopla and inevitable controversy.

The controversy is inevitable because there is little in America that is grandiose (and much that is not) that is not controversial.

In the case of the King memorial, the controversy is whether the enormous statue of one of the greatest figures in American history should be stamped “Made in China.”

The “Stone of Hope” statue of Dr. King was sculpted in China by a Chinese sculptor out of Chinese granite and shipped to the United States where it was assembled by Chinese workers.

The Chinese workers were paid nothing - - which would seem to me to violate not only Dr. King’s principles but also U.S. anti-slavery laws - - though they were hoping to get paid something when they returned to China.

The Statue of Liberty, I should point out, was sculpted by a Frenchman in France. But it was a gift to the United States and celebrated a concept, not an actual human being who lived and died in America and for America.

Chinese sculptor Lei Yixin was selected by the King memorial people, and Lei worked from scores of photographs of King. Lei is famous in China for his work, especially his statue of Mao Zedong.

But some critics have asked a pretty basic question: Was there no American sculptor, especially an African-American sculptor, who was capable of sculpting a statue of Dr. King?

Apparently not, at least according to the people who did the selection. What’s more, even though hundreds of thousands of experienced - - and unionized - - American construction workers are currently unemployed, did we really need to bring in workers from China to put the sculpture together?

Yes, Edward Jackson Jr., the executive architect of the project, recently told Courtland Milloy of the Washington Post. “Not only did we need an artist, we needed someone with the means and methods of putting those large stones together,” Jackson said. “We don’t do this in America. We don’t handle stones of this size.”

Jackson has worked long and hard to get the King memorial built, and he is deserving of recognition for his efforts and dedication. But his statement is pure baloney. The sculptures at the site are made up of 159 blocks of granite, and I think the United States of America - - somehow - - could have scoured its citizenry and found people who knew how to put together 159 blocks of granite.

Even though the King “Stone of Hope” sculpture is huge - - 30-feet high, compared with 19 feet 6 inches for the seated figure of Abraham Lincoln and 19 feet for the standing figure of Thomas Jefferson at their memorials - - I really feel there is a union hall somewhere in this country right now with people sitting around who can handle a 30-foot project.

They would expect to get paid, of course. The prevailing wage for an American stonemason in the Washington area is $32 an hour, plus $12 an hour in benefits.

The Post, which has done some very good reporting on the project over the years, had a reporter go out with a representative of a local union that represents stonemasons to see how the Chinese workers were being treated. It turns out they were being housed in a very nice high-rise in Crystal City, Va., and were being given free room and board, but no pay.

The union rep took a Chinese-speaking translator along and he asked one of the laborers why the men would work without pay.

“ ‘Because they are working for ‘national honor,’ ” the worker said. “ ‘To bring glory to the Chinese people.’ ”

Please click HERE to read the entire article...