August 31, 2010

Serial Killer Who Targeted US Blacks In Michigan Is A Palestinian Arab Alien, Police And MEDIA Hid “Mid-Eastern” Description

You know, I heard Geraldo Rivera on a few occasions mention the serial killer that was targeting the black community. But Geraldo did so only to make this a black and white issue. I don't know if Geraldo was being influenced by Al Sharpton, because Geraldo Rivera brought the serial killings to light after a black man named Omar Thornton went to his employer with guns blazing and killed 9 white co-workers claiming he was a victim of racism. So now that justifies MURDER? Well Geraldo, now we know who the serial killer really is and the serial killer's motives and they were not what you were insinuating. Will you do the right thing and retract your previous statements and report the truth to your viewers? The reason why I've singled you out Geraldo Rivera is because I respect you. I expect MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS etc to report mis-information and deliberately mis-lead the American public BUT not you.


Debbie Schlussel Blog
written by Debbie Schlussel
August 12, 2010, at 12:46pm

For several weeks, police have been quietly searching for a serial killer who stabbed poor Black victims in Flint, Michigan, then fled to Leesburg, Virginia, where his sister lives. Many family members of the victims were angry that the police did not disclose the White identity of the murderer, saying it was racist. But, now, it’s very clear why they hid his identity and true visual description: Elias Abuelazam is a Palestinian Arab alien who was here on an expired passport. (**** UPDATE, 08/13/10: Since I first wrote this, news reports say Abuelazam has a green card and was here legally. ****)

“He was a dark Middle Eastern guy and the description was of a White guy,” said [DS: his neighbor] Carrie Strang, who woke up this morning to find police cars and news vans outside.

Wow, we’ve really regressed a long way when we endanger people’s lives to give a politically-correct, whitewashed description of a Palestinian serial killer.

Abuelazam, who killed five people and attacked 20 others in three states, engaged in apparent marriage fraud, marrying a woman from Texas beating her, then divorcing her. (Some reports say they also had a child together.)

Police stopped Abuelazam, who was trying to board a flight to escape to Israel. Unfortunately, while Abuelazam’s name isn’t being publicized, that he is “from Israel” is. It’s funny: they hate Israel, but whenever Palestinians are in trouble, suddenly they are “from Israel.” He may have been born in Israel and even have an Israeli passport, but he and his ilk identify as and with Palestinians. The guy is NOT Israeli, contrary to MSNBC’s disgusting headline: Israeli held in investigation of serial stabbings

He’s Palestinian Arab who was born in Israel. Get that straight.

Abuelazam specifically targeted Blacks and stabbed them to death. Disgustingly, some of the Detroit media, including “newscaster” Trudi Daniels of Detroit’s WRIF-FM, are making excuses for the guy, with Daniels saying that he probably did this because “maybe a Black guy raped his wife” or someone Black robbed him or committed some other crime against him, she surmised. Daniels is an uber-liberal . . . and, now, clearly a racist.

It is well known that Palestinians, Arabs, and the Arab and Muslim worlds are racist. As I’ve noted before, they call Blacks, “abed” or “abeed”– singular and plural for slave, in Arabic.

Abuelazam was employed at a Flint-area convenience store, the Kingwater Market, owned by fellow Arab, Abdullah Farah. How interesting that it didn’t bother them that he was here illegally. Yes, they are accessories to his illegal alien presence in America, but nothing will happen to them. Because we just don’t have the guts, do we?

We don’t have the guts to protect our borders or to do a damned thing to those who help keep it porous and indefensible.

Nor do we do a damned thing about police who won’t correctly identify a Middle-Eastern Arab serial killer on the loose because, post-9/11, we must bow down to the Arab street at all cost.

Nauseating to the Nth.

Congressman Russ Carnahan (D-MO) Finance Office Was Firebombed By A Former Staffer Who Is A LIBERAL!

Andrew Breitbart present
written by Jim Hoft
August 25th 2010 at 5:57

The suspect who firebombed Rep. Russ Carnahan’s office last week was reportedly a disgruntled progressive activist employed by democrats. An unnamed source familiar with the case released the information. Suspect Chris Powers reportedly was upset because he did not get paid so he firebombed the Carnahan finance offices at 2 in the morning.

What a complete shock.

Dem operative and firebomber Chris Powers is the sweaty one pictured here on right during a rally for nationalized health care. Powers is was a paid canvasser for Russ Carnahan.

The RFT reported:
Congressman Russ Carnahan held a press conference confirming that the person St. Louis police arrested and released for last week’s firebombing of his campaign headquarters did in fact work for his re-election campaign.

Carnahan did not say the man’s name but did confirm that the name Chris Powers made public this morning on a right-wing blog was accurate. According to Carnahan, the suspect volunteered for his campaign in July and was hired this month as a political canvasser — a job he kept for five days before being let go for “failing to do his job.”

This afternoon Daily RFT left a message with a Chris Powers listed in the St. Louis phone book but has heard no response.
Russ forgot to mention that this radical staffer also also has a history of harassing tea party patriots.

NY Muslim Taxi Driver Had His Neck Slashed By An Obama Supporter And Was A LIBERAL!

The drunk white man who slashed the throat of the Muslim taxi driver was NOT a rabid white republican and NOT a member of the T.E.A. party. He supported Obama and is a LIBERAL! Will the media report this information? NO. They have already planted the negative seed they wanted in the American psyche. This is NOT journalism. The media has made numorous FALSE ACCUSATIONS about the T.E.A. party. When the TRUTH was revealed the media NEVER APOLOGIZED nor reported the correct information.


Gateway Pundit
written by Jim Hoft
Wednesday, August 25, 2010 at 3:06pm

NY Muslim Cab Driver Stabbed in Neck… Teabagger Pro-GZ Mosque Radical Charged With the Crime

Bummer. And, the left was having such fun with this…
A Muslim cabbie driver was stabbed in the neck last night by a leftist New York City arts student. CBS reported, via Dan Riehl:
A drunken passenger riding in a New York City taxi cab attacked the driver after asking him if he was Muslim, police said Wednesday.

The driver told police that when he answered yes, Michael Enright pulled out a folding hand tool, reached into the front seat and slashed him.

Enright was arrested Tuesday night on charges including attempted murder as a hate crime, said Deputy Inspector Kim Royster, a New York Police Department spokeswoman.
Here’s the update:
The apparent anti-Muslim assault on a New York city cabbie by a man shouting “Assalamu Alaikum. Consider this a checkpoint” produced an immediate round of recriminations over its connection to opposition to a New York Islamic Center and an apparent rising tide of Islamophobia.

But as often at the intersection of politics and violent crime, the story doesn’t appear to fit any easy stereotype: The alleged assailant, Michael Enright, is — according to his Facebook profile and the website of the left-leaning media organization Intersections International — a student at the School of Visual Arts and a volunteer for Intersections, which recently produced a statement of support for the Park51 project and is funded by the mainstream, liberal Collegiate Church of New York.
Of course, the fact that this criminal is a leftist surprises no one.

Abide In Me by Pastor Paula White

WOW!!! I have just been so blown away by this message given by Pastor Paula White!!! Absolute MUST WATCH if you want to hear a Word from God. ♥ This is such an EXCELLENT message! For whomever wants or needs to be INSPIRED right now! ♥

August 29, 2010

GoD And DoG by Wendy J Francisco

Awwwwwwe! This is such a beautiful song/story!!! Enjoy! :)

Lessons Learned

Lessons Learned
by Unknown Author

One day, the father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to the country with the express purpose of showing him how poor people live.

They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of what would be considered a very poor family.

On their return from their trip, the father asked his son, “How was the trip?”

“It was great, Dad.”

“Did you see how poor people live?” the father asked.

“Oh yeah,” said the son.

“So, tell me, what did you learn from the trip?” asked the father.

The son answered: “I saw that we have one dog and they had four. We have a pool that reaches to the middle of our garden and they have a creek that has no end. We have imported lanterns in our garden and they have the stars at night. Our patio reaches to the front yard and they have the whole horizon.

“We have a small piece of land to live on and they have fields that go beyond our sight.

“We have servants who serve us, but they serve others. We buy our food, but they grow theirs.

“We have walls around our property to protect us, they have friends to protect them.”

The boy’s father was speechless.

Then his son added, “Thanks Dad for showing me how poor we are.”

Love, Wealth, or Success? An Inspirational Story with Wisdom

Love, Wealth, or Success?
An Inspirational Story with Wisdom

A woman came out of her house and saw 3 old men with long white beards sitting in her front yard. She did not recognize them. She said "I don't think I know you, but you must be hungry. Please come in and have something to eat." "Is the man of the house home?", they asked. "No", she said. "He's out." "Then we cannot come in", they replied.

In the evening when her husband came home, she told him what had happened. "Go tell them I am home and invite them in!" The woman went out and invited the men in.

"We do not go into a House together," they replied. "Why is that?" she wanted to know. One of the old men explained: "His name is Wealth," he said pointing to one of his friends, and said pointing to another one, "He is Success, and I am Love." Then he added, "Now go in and discuss with your husband which one of us you want in your home."

The woman went in and told her husband what was said. Her husband was overjoyed. "How nice!!", he said. "Since that is the case, let us invite Wealth. Let him come and fill our home with wealth!" His wife disagreed. "My dear, why don't we invite Success?" Their daughter-in-law was listening from the other corner of the house. She jumped in with her own suggestion: "Would it not be better to invite Love? Our home will then be filled with love!" "Let us agree to our daughter-in-law's advice," said the husband to his wife. "Go out and invite Love to be our guest."

The woman went out and asked the 3 old men, "Which one of you is Love Please come in and be our guest." Love got up and started walking toward the house. The other 2 also got up and followed him.

Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and Success: "I only invited Love, Why are you coming in?" The old men replied together: "If you had invited Wealth or Success. The other two of us would've stayed out, but since you invited Love. Wherever He goes, we go with him.

Wherever there is Love, there is also Wealth and Success!!!

A Story of Ambition and Money

A Story of Money
[source: Dreams this Day]

The American businessman was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were several large yellow fin tuna.

The American complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them. The Mexican replied "only a little while". The American then asked why didn't he stay out longer and catch more fish?

The Mexican said he had enough to support his family's immediate needs. The American then asked, "but what do you do with the rest of your time?" The Mexican fisherman said, "I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take siesta with my wife, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine and play guitar with my amigos, I have a full and busy life, senor."

The American scoffed, "I am a Harvard MBA and could help you. You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds buy a bigger boat with the proceeds from the bigger boat you could buy several boats, eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling your catch to a middleman you would sell directly to the processor, eventually opening your own cannery. You would control the product, processing and distribution. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then LA and eventually NYC where you will run your expanding enterprise."

The Mexican fisherman asked, "But senor, how long will this all take?"
To which the American replied, "15-20 years."

"But what then, senor?" The American laughed and said that's the best part. When the time is right you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich, you would make millions.

"Millions, senor? Then what?"

The American said, "Then you would retire. Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take siesta with your wife, stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar."

August 28, 2010

They All Laughed ♥ I LOVE This Tune! ♥

They All Laughed
by The Charlie Biddle Trio with Stephanie Biddle

They all laughed at Christopher Columbus
When he said the world was round
They all laughed when Edison recorded sound
They all laughed at Wilbur and his brother
When they said that man could fly
They told Marconi wireless was a phony,
It's the same old cry

They laughed at me wanting you,
Said I was reaching for the moon
But oh, you came through,
Now they'll have to change their tune
They all said we never could be happy,
They laughed at us and how!
But ho, ho, ho!
Who's got the last laugh now?

They all laughed at Rockefeller Center,
Now they're fighting to get in
They all laughed at Whitney and his cotton gin
They all laughed at Fulton and his steamboat,
Hershey and his chocolate bar
Ford and his Lizzie, kept the laughers busy,
That's how people are

They laughed at me wanting you,
Said it would be, "Hello, Goodbye."
But oh, you came through,
Now they're eating humble pie
They all said we'd never get together,
Darling, let's take a bow
For ho, ho, ho! Who's got the last laugh?

Hee, hee, hee! Let's at the past laugh,
Ha, ha, ha! Who's got the last laugh now?

Your Incomparable Uniqueness... ♥

Your Incomparable Uniqueness

- Osho, Where do Individuality and Ego separate?

- Individuality means your uniqueness -- not compared with anybody else. Your incomparable uniqueness: that is individuality. Individuality is beautiful; that's how God has made you -- as an individual. Ego is comparison. Ego is your invention. God has not given you any ego; he has certainly given you an individuality.

Ego is comparison: you think yourself more intelligent than the other, you think yourself more superior than the other -- or inferior. You think yourself more beautiful than the other. Then you are bringing ego in: the moment you compare yourself with somebody, the conclusion that comes out of the comparison is ego. If you stop comparing then you are there -- tremendously beautiful and unique. All superiority or inferiority, all anxiety of where I am, where I stand, who is above me and who is below me, are ego problems. The superior person suffers, the inferior suffers; both suffer -- because even the superiormost cannot have a state where he can be satisfied.

Abraham Lincoln was not very beautiful, his face was ugly. And that was a torture. In fact, when he stood for the presidentship, eh had no beard. In his campaign, a small girl suggested to him, "If you grow a beard, you will look a little better." Hence, he grew the beard. But he remained constantly aware of his ugliness. He became the president... but whenever he would see a beautiful face he would feel hurt.

Napoleon Bonaparte was not very tall, just five-five -- just exactly my size. He remained disturbed for his whole life. Now, nothing is wrong in being five-five. What is wrong in being five-five? -- I have never felt any problem in it! And what is going to happen if you are five-seven or five-eight? Nothing is going to happen, you will be the same -- five-five or five-seven or five-nine makes no difference. But he was tremendously troubled -- he was so conscious of it. One day he was trying to fix a picture on the wall and the picture was a little higher than him, and his bodyguard said, "Sir, I am higher than you, I will do it." He said, "Stop! Never utter such a word. You are taller, not higher."He was very conscious about it -- "Higher? Say you are taller; don't say higher!" Now, if even Napoleon is not happy, who can be?

People who compare can never be happy. These trees are happy -- the smaller tree does not bother about the higher tree. They never bother about each other: the smaller is smaller and the higher is higher. In fact, the higher and the taller and the smaller and the lower are human terms -- they don't exist in the world of trees. A rosebush is as happy as a big oak tree; there is no problem about it. Not even a rosebush, but just a small leaf of grass is as happy as any lotus flower. It makes no difference.

God is showering on everybody -- on the rosebush, on the grassleaf, on the lotus flower... he is showering everywhere. And the whole existence is happy; only man has got into trouble. The ego arises with comparison. Individuality you have, unique individuality you have. With comparison how many problems arise!

Just a few days before, one woman was saying to me that she cannot accept her body. But why? -- because she is a little fatter. Now, why compare? How can you be fatter if you don't compare? Mm? -- you must have some idea of a thinner woman, and you must be comparing. I don't see any problem in the woman directly. I looked at her: she is a beautiful woman, a unique woman, an individual -- but unnecessarily in anxiety, in deep anguish, suffering. She cannot believe that anybody can love her, because she is a little fat.

And who has given the idea? How do you decide what is standard? Nobody has any idea what is standard; all averages are just false. Nobody knows how much fat is needed for a particular body -- only the body itself knows. Listen to your body, love your body, and don't compare. Now this comparison will create such trouble that she may miss her whole life. Because of comparison she cannot love. And she will create such trouble that she will not allow anybody to love her, because she cannot trust anybody who can love her. That man must be perverted: how can you love an ugly woman? -- your idea of beauty must be perverted, or you must be deceiving.

She cannot trust anybody -- if somebody comes and says to her, "I love you," she will distrust them. She cannot love herself -- how can YOU love her? Impossible. You must have some other design, you must have some other idea behind it: you may be interested only in sex, or you may be interested in something else -- in her money, or something else -- but you cannot love her. Because how can you love her? -- she cannot love her own face in the mirror. And even if you persist, she will try in every way to destroy your love, so she can prove that she was right and you were wrong. Now it is very difficult to find a lover who will take that much trouble to convince you. she will remain loveless. And when there will be no love coming, her idea will become more and more fixated: I am ugly. And she is not ugly at all.

In fact, I have never seen an ugly person in my life. How can a person be ugly? Have you ever seen any ugly crow? Impossible! Have you ever seen an ugly cow? Impossible. Have you ever seen an ugly tree? Impossible. All is beautiful as it is... but with human beings you bring comparison, and immediately trouble starts.

Don't compare, there is no need. Comparison is one of the greatest calamities that has fallen on humanity. You are perfect as you are.

Love yourself, respect yourself. If you are not going to respect yourself, who is going to respect you. If you are not going to love yourself, who is going to love you?

People don't respect themselves, and expect everybody else to respect them. They don't love themselves, and want the whole world to fall in love with them. Now you are asking impossibles -- these things cannot happen. Love yourself, respect yourself -- and a person who respects himself never compares. Comparison is a disrespect.

Now, if you summarize all this, it means: to be an egoist is to be very disrespectful towards yourself. To be an individual is perfectly good, but to be egoistic is disrespectful.

Australian School Answering Machine.

Hahahahahaha!!! I absolutely LOVE THIS MESSAGE!!! Good for Australia public school teachers. YOU TOTALLY ROCK! Spot on! :)

This is an actual message that a school in Australia has on its machine when you call the school. I think our schools should incorporate this. Very Funny but to the point!

August 27, 2010

I LOVE To Singa - Owl Jolson

CLASSIC Cartoon from my childhood. Enjoy! :)

Treasure Your Uniqueness! That's what makes you WONDERFUL... ♥
Because there is no other like you and that is a beautiful thing. ;)

You must first learn to love, respect and value yourself,
before you can expect others to love, respect and value you.
It starts from the inside out.

Be TRUE to yourself.

This Is My Virtual Jukebox Selection For This Weekend! I've Added New Songs. Heal Your Mind Body And Soul With Music! Created At Wishing You Much Peace Love & Happiness... :)

Hey Everybody Turn The Beat Around... ♥

Happy Friday Everybody!!! This is a great CLASSIC song to pick up your spirit! You will so LOVE the dancing number in this video! AMAZING entertainment!

I heard this song on the radio this morning and have been singing and dancing to it ALL day! I found this GREAT dance video adaptation to the original song sung by Vicki Sue Robinson. LOVE IT vorsprung1 thank you for posting! Let this song get you DANCING in your spirit! No worries! God will TURN IT AROUND. But for now be of GOOD CHEER! ♥

Turn The Beat Around ~ by Vicki Sue Robinson

Turn the beat around
Love to hear the percussion
Turn it upside down
Love to hear the percussion
Love to hear it

Blow horns you sure sound pretty
Your violins keep movin' to the nitty gritty
When you hear the scratch of the guitars scratchin'
Then you'll know that rhythm carries all the action, woah

Turn the beat around
Love to hear the percussion
Turn it upside down
Love to hear the percussion
Love to hear it

Turn the beat around
Love to hear the percussion
Turn it upside down
Love to hear the percussion
Love to hear it

Flute player play your flute 'cause
I know that you want to get your thing off
But you see I've made up my mind about it
It's got to be the rhythm, no doubt about it, woah, woah

'Cause when the guitar player start playing
With the syncopated rhythm, with the scratch, scratch, scratch
Makes me wanna move my body, yeah, yeah, yeah

And when the drummer starts beating that beat
He nails that beat with the syncopated rhythm
With the rat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat on the drums, hey

Turn the beat around
Love to hear the percussion
Turn it upside down
Love to hear the percussion
Love to hear it, love to hear it
Love to hear it, love to hear it

Turn the beat around
Love to hear the percussion
Turn it upside down
Love to hear the percussion
Love to hear it

Turn the beat around
Love to hear the percussion
Turn it upside down
Love to hear the percussion

Sharia For Dummies... WOW!!! A Definite MUST READ! Written In Simple Terms, Even A Child Could Understand! NO SHARIA In The United States! NOT ON OUR WATCH!

Andrew Breitbart presents
written by Nonie Darwish
August 26, 2010

Imam Feisal Abdel Rauf claims that the US constitution is Sharia compliant. Now let us examine below a few laws of Sharia to see if Imam Rauf is truthful or a fraud:

1- Jihad defined as “to war against non-Muslims to establish the religion” is the duty of every Muslim and Muslim head of state (Caliph). Muslim Caliphs who refuse jihad are in violation of Sharia and unfit to rule.

2- A Caliph can hold office through seizure of power meaning through force.

3- A Caliph is exempt from being charged with serious crimes such as murder, adultery, robbery, theft, drinking and in some cases of rape.

4- A percentage of Zakat (alms) must go towards jihad.

5- It is obligatory to obey the commands of the Caliph, even if he is unjust.

6- A caliph must be a Muslim, a non-slave and a male.

7- The Muslim public must remove the Caliph in one case, if he rejects Islam.

8- A Muslim who leaves Islam must be killed immediately.

9- A Muslim will be forgiven for murder of : 1) an apostasy 2) an adulterer 3) a highway robber. Making vigilante street justice and honor killing acceptable.

10- A Muslim will not get the death penalty if he kills a non-Muslim.

11- Sharia never abolished slavery and sexual slavery and highly regulates it. A master will not be punished for killing his slave.

12- Sharia dictates death by stoning, beheading, amputation of limbs, flogging and other forms of cruel and unusual punishments even for crimes of sin such as adultery.

13- Non-Muslims are not equal to Muslims and must comply to Sharia if they are to remain safe. They are forbidden to marry Muslim women, publicly display wine or pork, recite their scriptures or openly celebrate their religious holidays or funerals. They are forbidden from building new churches or building them higher than mosques. They may not enter a mosque without permission. A non-Muslim is no longer protected if he commits adultery with a Muslim woman or if he leads a Muslim away from Islam.

14- It is a crime for a non-Muslim to sell weapons to someone who will use them against Muslims. Non-Muslims cannot curse a Muslim, say anything derogatory about Allah, the Prophet, or Islam, or expose the weak points of Muslims. However, the opposite is not true for Muslims.

15- A non-Muslim cannot inherit from a Muslim.

16- Banks must be Sharia compliant and interest is not allowed.

17- No testimony in court is acceptable from people of low-level jobs, such as street sweepers or a bathhouse attendant. Women in such low level jobs such as professional funeral mourners cannot keep custody of their children in case of divorce.

18- A non-Muslim cannot rule even over a non-Muslims minority.

19- Homosexuality is punishable by death.

20- There is no age limit for marriage of girls under Sharia. The marriage contract can take place anytime after birth and consummated at age 8 or 9.

21- Rebelliousness on the part of the wife nullifies the husband’s obligation to support her, gives him permission to beat her and keep her from leaving the home.

22- Divorce is only in the hands of the husband and is as easy as saying: “I divorce you” and becomes effective even if the husband did not intend it.

23- There is no community property between husband and wife and the husband’s property does not automatically go to the wife after his death.

24- A woman inherits half what a man inherits.

25- A man has the right to have up to 4 wives and she has no right to divorce him even if he is polygamous.

26- The dowry is given in exchange for the woman’s sexual organs.

27- A man is allowed to have sex with slave women and women captured in battle, and if the enslaved woman is married her marriage is annulled.

28- The testimony of a woman in court is half the value of a man.

29- A woman looses custody if she remarries.

30- To prove rape, a woman must have 4 male witnesses.

31- A rapist may only be required to pay the bride-money (dowry) without marrying the rape victim.

32- A Muslim woman must cover every inch of her body which is considered “Awrah,” a sexual organ. Some schools of Sharia allow the face and some don’t.

33- A Muslim man is forgiven if he kills his wife caught in the act of adultery. However, the opposite is not true for women since he “could be married to the woman he was caught with.”

The above are clear cut laws in Islam decided by great Imams after years of examination and interpretation of the Quran, Hadith and Mohammed’s life. Now let the learned Imam Rauf tell us what part of the above is compliant with the US constitution?

A Totally New Process: Your Natural Growth Takes Over

A Totally New Process: Your Natural Growth Takes Over
[source: Osho International]
Tao: The Golden Gate, Vol 2 Chapter #4

An intelligent person is one who comes to see that there is no need to compete at all. "I am myself, you are yourself I need not be you, you need not be me." A rose is a rose is a rose; it need not be a lotus. The lotus need not become anxious, worried about becoming a rose flower. The whole nature is in deep peace for the simple reason that competition has not poisoned it. There is no competition at all.

The biggest cedar of Lebanon has no ego about it, that "I am bigger than others." Just a small rosebush has no inferiority complex that, "I am so small." Nothing of superiority, nothing of inferiority, but each is unique. This stupidity has entered only human consciousness -- human consciousness is being conditioned for it.

Latifa, you ask me: WHAT IS AMBITION? It is a feverish state, it is an insane state. It is not healthy.

You say: TO LIVE WITHOUT AMBITION SEEMS FRIGHTENING... Of course, because you have lived with ambition for so long, it has become your very lifestyle. You have become identified with it; you don't know any other way of living. If you drop it means as if you are dying. And in fact that's what has to be done by a sannyasin: he has to die in many ways before he can be reborn. And this is a must: that you should die as an ambitious person, you should die as an ambitious mind completely, totally. Not even a trace of ambition should be left in you because even if a small trace is there it will start growing again. It is like a root: it will again sprout, again leaves will grow, again there will be foliage. It has to be completely thrown out of your being.Yes, it feels difficult, Latifa, very arduous, almost impossible in the beginning, because we don't know any other way how to live.

People ask me, "If we drop competitiveness, if we drop ambitiousness, then how we will grow?" and trees are growing and animals are growing, and the whole existence is moving and growing -- just you cannot grow without ambitiousness...

And with ambitiousness what has happened? Have you grown? Something wrong has grown in you; something like cancer in your being has grown. Yes, that cancer will not grow anymore.

If you drop all ambition, then a totally new process sets in: your natural growth takes over.

Then you are not competing with others; you are simply evolving each moment within yourself, not comparing.

If you are playing music and it is beautiful this moment, next moment it will be more beautiful, because out of this moment the next moment it will be more beautiful, because out of this moment the next moment is going to be born -- from where else it will come? -- next moment you will have a deeper music arising, and so on, so forth. You need not be competitive with other musicians; in fact, if you are competitive with other musicians your inner music will never grow. You may learn more tricks, strategies, techniques how to defeat them, how to go ahead of them by right or wrong means -- because competitiveness is so blind it does not bother at all what is right and what is wrong.

Competitiveness believes that whatsoever succeeds is right and whatsoever fails is wrong. That is the only criterion for an ambitious mind: the end makes the means right. For a non-competitive mind there is no question of thinking of others; you simply go on growing on your own. Your roots go deeper into Tao, into nature. Not that other trees have reached deeper so you have to reach -- you reach deeper for your own nourishment, you reach deeper for your own enrichment, you reach deeper because your branches can go higher. Only the deeper the roots go, higher the branches reach -- but it has nothing to do with others; others are accepted as they are. Nobody takes any note of others.

Latifa, it is certainly starting a new life up from the very beginning. That's why Christ says: Unless you are born again you shall not enter into my kingdom of God. A rebirth is needed.

August 26, 2010

4. FAIRNESS, 5. CARING and 6. CITIZENSHIP Explained More Indepthly

Making Ethical Decisions:
The Six Pillars of Character

In short, the Six Pillars can dramatically improve the ethical quality of our decisions, and thus our character and lives.


What is fairness? Most would agree it involves issues of equality, impartiality, proportionality, openness and due process. Most would agree that it is unfair to handle similar matters inconsistently. Most would agree that it is unfair to impose punishment that is not commensurate with the offense. The basic concept seems simple, even intuitive, yet applying it in daily life can be surprisingly difficult. Fairness is another tricky concept, probably more subject to legitimate debate and interpretation than any other ethical value. Disagreeing parties tend to maintain that there is only one fair position (their own, naturally). But essentially fairness implies adherence to a balanced standard of justice without relevance to one’s own feelings or inclinations.


Process is crucial in settling disputes, both to reach the fairest results and to minimize complaints. A fair person scrupulously employs open and impartial processes for gathering and evaluating information necessary to make decisions. Fair people do not wait for the truth to come to them; they seek out relevant information and conflicting perspectives before making important judgments.


Decisions should be made without favoritism or prejudice.


An individual, company or society should correct mistakes, promptly and voluntarily. It is improper to take advantage of the weakness or ignorance of others.


If you existed alone in the universe, there would be no need for ethics and your heart could be a cold, hard stone. Caring is the heart of ethics, and ethical decision-making. It is scarcely possible to be truly ethical and yet unconcerned with the welfare of others. That is because ethics is ultimately about good relations with other people.

It is easier to love "humanity" than to love people. People who consider themselves ethical and yet lack a caring attitude toward individuals tend to treat others as instruments of their will. They rarely feel an obligation to be honest, loyal, fair or respectful except insofar as it is prudent for them to do so, a disposition which itself hints at duplicity and a lack of integrity. A person who really cares feels an emotional response to both the pain and pleasure of others.

Of course, sometimes we must hurt those we truly care for, and some decisions, while quite ethical, do cause pain. But one should consciously cause no more harm than is reasonably necessary to perform one’s duties.

The highest form of caring is the honest expression of benevolence, or altruism. This is not to be confused with strategic charity. Gifts to charities to advance personal interests are a fraud. That is, they aren’t gifts at all. They’re investments or tax write-offs.


Citizenship includes civic virtues and duties that prescribe how we ought to behave as part of a community. The good citizen knows the laws and obeys them, yes, but that’s not all. She volunteers and stays informed on the issues of the day, the better to execute her duties and privileges as a member of a self-governing democratic society. She does more than her "fair" share to make society work, now and for future generations. Such a commitment to the public sphere can have many expressions, such as conserving resources, recycling, using public transportation and cleaning up litter. The good citizen gives more than she takes.

2. RESPECT and 3. RESPONSIBILITY Explained More Indepthly

Making Ethical Decisions:
The Six Pillars of Character

In short, the Six Pillars can dramatically improve the ethical quality of our decisions, and thus our character and lives.


People are not things, and everyone has a right to be treated with dignity. We certainly have no ethical duty to hold all people in high esteem, but we should treat everyone with respect, regardless of who they are and what they have done. We have a responsibility to be the best we can be in all situations, even when dealing with unpleasant people.

The Golden Rule — do unto others as you would have them do unto you — nicely illustrates the Pillar of respect. Respect prohibits violence, humiliation, manipulation and exploitation. It reflects notions such as civility, courtesy, decency, dignity, autonomy, tolerance and acceptance.

Civility, Courtesy and Decency

A respectful person is an attentive listener, although his patience with the boorish need not be endless (respect works both ways). Nevertheless, the respectful person treats others with consideration, and doesn’t resort to intimidation, coercion or violence except in extraordinary and limited situations to defend others, teach discipline, maintain order or achieve social justice. Punishment is used in moderation and only to advance important social goals and purposes.

Dignity and Autonomy

People need to make informed decisions about their own lives. Don’t withhold the information they need to do so. Allow all individuals, including maturing children, to have a say in the decisions that affect them.

Tolerance and Acceptance

Accept individual differences and beliefs without prejudice. Judge others only on their character, abilities and conduct.


Life is full of choices. Being responsible means being in charge of our choices and, thus, our lives. It means being accountable for what we do and who we are. It also means recognizing that our actions matter and we are morally on the hook for the consequences. Our capacity to reason and our freedom to choose make us morally autonomous and, therefore, answerable for whether we honor or degrade the ethical principles that give life meaning and purpose.

Ethical people show responsibility by being accountable, pursuing excellence and exercising self-restraint. They exhibit the ability to respond to expectations.


An accountable person is not a victim and doesn’t shift blame or claim credit for the work of others. He considers the likely consequences of his behavior and associations. He recognizes the common complicity in the triumph of evil when nothing is done to stop it. He leads by example.

Pursuit of Excellence

The pursuit of excellence has an ethical dimension when others rely upon our knowledge, ability or willingness to perform tasks safely and effectively.

Diligence. It is hardly unethical to make mistakes or to be less than "excellent," but there is a moral obligation to do one’s best, to be diligent, reliable, careful, prepared and informed.

Perseverance. Responsible people finish what they start, overcoming rather than surrendering to obstacles. They avoid excuses such as, "That’s just the way I am," or "It’s not my job," or "It was legal."

Continuous Improvement. Responsible people always look for ways to do their work better.


Responsible people exercise self-control, restraining passions and appetites (such as lust, hatred, gluttony, greed and fear) for the sake of longer-term vision and better judgment. They delay gratification if necessary and never feel it’s necessary to "win at any cost." They realize they are as they choose to be, every day.

1. TRUSTWORTHINESS Explained More Indepthly

Making Ethical Decisions:
The Six Pillars of Character

In short, the Six Pillars can dramatically improve the ethical quality of our decisions, and thus our character and lives.


When others trust us, they give us greater leeway because they feel we don’t need monitoring to assure that we’ll meet our obligations. They believe in us and hold us in higher esteem. That’s satisfying. At the same time, we must constantly live up to the expectations of others and refrain from even small lies or self-serving behavior that can quickly destroy our relationships.

Simply refraining from deception is not enough. Trustworthiness is the most complicated of the six core ethical values and concerns a variety of qualities like honesty, integrity, reliability and loyalty.


There is no more fundamental ethical value than honesty. We associate honesty with people of honor, and we admire and rely on those who are honest. But honesty is a broader concept than many may realize. It involves both communications and conduct.

Honesty in communications is expressing the truth as best we know it and not conveying it in a way likely to mislead or deceive. There are three dimensions:

Truthfulness. Truthfulness is presenting the facts to the best of our knowledge. Intent is the crucial distinction between truthfulness and truth itself. Being wrong is not the same thing as lying, although honest mistakes can still damage trust insofar as they may show sloppy judgment.

Sincerity. Sincerity is genuineness, being without trickery or duplicity. It precludes all acts, including half-truths, out-of-context statements, and even silence, that are intended to create beliefs or leave impressions that are untrue or misleading.

Candor. In relationships involving legitimate expectations of trust, honesty may also require candor, forthrightness and frankness, imposing the obligation to volunteer information that another person needs to know.

Honesty in conduct is playing by the rules, without stealing, cheating, fraud, subterfuge and other trickery. Cheating is a particularly foul form of dishonesty because one not only seeks to deceive but to take advantage of those who are not cheating. It’s a two-fer: a violation of both trust and fairness.

Not all lies are unethical, even though all lies are dishonest. Huh? That’s right, honesty is not an inviolate principle. Occasionally, dishonesty is ethically justifiable, as when the police lie in undercover operations or when one lies to criminals or terrorists to save lives. But don’t kid yourself: occasions for ethically sanctioned lying are rare and require serving a very high purpose indeed, such as saving a life — not hitting a management-pleasing sales target or winning a game or avoiding a confrontation.


The word integrity comes from the same Latin root as "integer," or whole number. Like a whole number, a person of integrity is undivided and complete. This means that the ethical person acts according to her beliefs, not according to expediency. She is also consistent. There is no difference in the way she makes decisions from situation to situation, her principles don’t vary at work or at home, in public or alone.

Because she must know who she is and what she values, the person of integrity takes time for self-reflection, so that the events, crises and seeming necessities of the day do not determine the course of her moral life. She stays in control. She may be courteous, even charming, but she is never duplicitous. She never demeans herself with obsequious behavior toward those she thinks might do her some good. She is trusted because you know who she is: what you see is what you get.

People without integrity are called "hypocrites" or "two-faced."

Reliability (Promise-Keeping)

When we make promises or other commitments that create a legitimate basis for another person to rely upon us, we undertake special moral duties. We accept the responsibility of making all reasonable efforts to fulfill our commitments. Because promise-keeping is such an important aspect of trustworthiness, it is important to:

Avoid bad-faith excuses. Interpret your promises fairly and honestly. Don’t try to rationalize noncompliance.

Avoid unwise commitments. Before making a promise consider carefully whether you are willing and likely to keep it. Think about unknown or future events that could make it difficult, undesirable or impossible. Sometimes, all we can promise is to do our best.

Avoid unclear commitments. Be sure that, when you make a promise, the other person understands what you are committing to do.


Some relationships — husband-wife, employer-employee, citizen-country — create an expectation of allegiance, fidelity and devotion. Loyalty is a responsibility to promote the interests of certain people, organizations or affiliations. This duty goes beyond the normal obligation we all share to care for others.

Limitations to loyalty. Loyalty is a tricky thing. Friends, employers, co-workers and others may demand that we rank their interests above ethical considerations. But no one has the right to ask another to sacrifice ethical principles in the name of a special relationship. Indeed, one forfeits a claim of loyalty when he or she asks so high a price for maintaining the relationship.

Prioritizing loyalties. So many individuals and groups make loyalty claims on us that we must rank our loyalty obligations in some rational fashion. For example, it’s perfectly reasonable, and ethical, to look out for the interests of our children, parents and spouses even if we have to subordinate our obligations to other children, neighbors or co-workers in doing so.

Safeguarding confidential information. Loyalty requires us to keep some information confidential. When keeping a secret breaks the law or threatens others, however, we may have a responsibility to "blow the whistle."

Avoiding conflicting interests. Employees and public servants have a duty to make all professional decisions on merit, unimpeded by conflicting personal interests. They owe ultimate loyalty to the public.

The Six Pillars of Character

The Six Pillars of Character

The CHARACTER COUNTS! approach to character education doesn't exclude anyone. That's why we base our programs and materials on six ethical values that everyone can agree on — values that are not political, religious, or culturally biased. Use the points below to help young people understand the Six Pillars, and use the mnemonic devices at right to help them remember.

For a more detailed discussion of the Six Pillars, consult our book, Making Ethical Decisions, reprinted in part HERE. <== FREE online outline.


Be honest • Don’t deceive, cheat, or steal • Be reliable — do what you say you’ll do • Have the courage to do the right thing • Build a good reputation • Be loyal — stand by your family, friends, and country


Treat others with respect; follow the Golden Rule • Be tolerant and accepting of differences • Use good manners, not bad language • Be considerate of the feelings of others • Don’t threaten, hit or hurt anyone • Deal peacefully with anger, insults, and disagreements


Do what you are supposed to do • Plan ahead • Persevere: keep on trying! • Always do your best • Use self-control • Be self-disciplined • Think before you act — consider the consequences • Be accountable for your words, actions, and attitudes • Set a good example for others


Play by the rules • Take turns and share • Be open-minded; listen to others • Don’t take advantage of others • Don’t blame others carelessly • Treat all people fairly


Be kind • Be compassionate and show you care • Express gratitude • Forgive others • Help people in need


Do your share to make your school and community better • Cooperate • Get involved in community affairs • Stay informed; vote • Be a good neighbor • Obey laws and rules • Respect authority • Protect the environment • Volunteer

Character and Ethics

Character and Ethics
The Basics
[source: 42 Explore]

Easier - Character is the combination of personal qualities that make each person unique. Teachers, parents, and community members help children build positive character qualities. For example, the six pillars of character are trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship.

Ethics is the study of human actions. It deals with issues such as defining "right and wrong" as well as the gray area in between. Ethics seeks answers to questions like what is "good behavior" and what should be valued?

Harder - Character deals with how people think and behave related to issues such as right and wrong, justice and equity, and other areas of human conduct.

Schools often have character education programs that focus on the qualities of character that are honored by most cultures and traditions. Character education is the development of knowledge, skills, and abilities that encourage children and young adults to make informed and responsible choices.

Ethics are a philosophical reflection of moral beliefs and practices. The Greek and Roman philosophers were particularly interested in discussions related to ethics. Religions and faiths each have their own ethical systems to guide their people. Ethical decision making involves the process of making informed decisions when faced with difficult dilemmas with many alternative solutions.

Live One Day At A Time And Make It A Masterpiece Written by The Dalai Lama of Tibet

The A to Zen of life……

A void negative sources, people, places & habits
B elieve in yourself
C onsider things from every angle
D on’t give up and don’t give in
E verything you’re looking for lies behind the mask you wear
F amily & friends are hidden treasures, seek them & enjoy their riches
G ive more than you planned to
H ang on to your dreams
I f opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door
J udge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it
K eep trying no matter how hard it seems
L ove yourself
M ake it happen
N ever lie, cheat or steal
O pen your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values
P ractice makes perfect
Q uality not quantity in anything you do
R emember that silence is sometimes the best answer
S top procrastinating
T ake control of your own destiny
U nderstand yourself in order to better understand others
V isualize it
W hen you lose, don’t lose the lesson
X cellence in all your efforts
Y ou are unique nothing can replace you
Z ero in on your target & go for it

♥♥♥♥♥ Mother Teresa Poem: Do it Anyway! ♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ HAPPY BIRTHDAY ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Mother Teresa Poem
'Do it Anyway'

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self centered;
Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some false friends
and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis,
it is between you and your God (Heavenly Father);
It was never between you and them anyway.

Mother Teresa Prayers ♥

Mother Teresa's Daily Prayer

DEAR JESUS, help me to spread Thy fragrance everywhere I go. Flood my soul with Thy spirit and love. Penetrate and possess my whole being so utterly that all my life may only be a radiance of Thine. Shine through me and be so in me that every soul I come in contact with may feel Thy presence in my soul. Let them look up and see no longer me but only Jesus. Stay with me and then I shall begin to shine as you shine, so to shine as to be a light to others.

The Fruit of Prayer

The fruit of silence is prayer
the fruit of prayer is faith
the fruit of faith is love
the fruit of love is service
the fruit of service is peace.

Love to pray

Feel often during the day the need for prayer and pray.
Prayer opens the heart, till it is capable of containing God himself.
Ask and seek and your heart will be big enough to receive Him
and keep Him as Your Own.

If We Pray

If we pray, we will believe;
If we believe, we will love
If we love, we will serve.

Empire State Dim Bulb: Nixes Pleas To Honor Mother Teresa!

Wow! It's NOT about religion, it should be about honoring Mother Teresa as an EXCEPTIONAL SELFLESS HUMAN BEING who helped all those that society DISCARDED! I would like to say up front that I would not care to know the owner of the Empire State Building. His monetary wealth means NOTHING to me. Mother Teresa had more WEALTH in her lifetime and beautiful spirit than this man could EVER conceive.


New York Post
written by David K. Li
June 10, 2010

The owner of the Empire State Building yesterday rejected pleas from religious and political leaders who begged him not to snub Mother Teresa -- and is still refusing to honor the beloved nun on what would have been her 100th birthday.

Real-estate honcho Anthony E. Malkin insisted the landmark has a stand ing policy that allows rec ognition of religious holi days, but not individuals representing a faith.

"The Empire State Building celebrates many cultures and causes in the world community with iconic lightings, and has a tradition of light ings for the religious hol idays of Easter, Eid al Fitr [end of Ramadan], Ha nukkah, and Christmas," Malkin said in a state ment.

"[The building] has a specific policy against any other lighting for re ligious figures or re quests by religions and religious organizations."

While Mother Teresa doesn't rate in Malkin's eyes, the building has had no problem shilling for China's regime, blue M&Ms, Mariah Carey and the "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles."

The building went red and gold last year on the 60th anniversary of the People's Republic of China; turned blue in 1995 for the rollout of blue M&Ms; and glowed purple, pink and white on April 24, 2008, for the release of Mariah's album, "E = MC2."

Even the Ninja Turtles had their night in lights, when the building went green on April 23, 2009, to mark the heroes on the half-shell's 25th anniversary.

The Teresa diss infuriated City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, who said, "I just think it's a really wrongheaded decision."

"I don't think this is about religion," she added. "Mother Teresa was a nun, obviously, but she was much more than that; she was a Nobel Prize winner . . . who inspired people of all religions."

Despite Malkin's stance that individual religious leaders are barred from Empire State Building lighting honors, history seems to say otherwise.

The building's lights have been used to mark the deaths of John Cardinal O'Connor in 2000, with the red and white of his position; Pope John Paul II in 2005, when the tower symbolically went dark; and Martin Luther King with red, black and green.

Mother Teresa died in 1997.

The Catholic League first asked in February that the building go blue and white -- the colors of Teresa's order, the Missionaries of Charity.

Its president, Bill Donohue, complained that Malkin's policy "is being made up on the run," and vowed he's "not going to get away with it."

Now the league is applying for a permit to spend Teresa's birthday, Aug. 26, protesting at the building.

Mass Rape In Congo Reignites Questions On Efficacy of UN Force There! "A Total of 179 Cases of Sexual Violence Were Reported.” OMG, This Is HORRIBLE!

CS Monitor
written by Scott Baldauf, Staff writer
Wednesday August 25, 2010

A report this week that Rwandan rebels looted villages in Congo and mass-raped more than 150 women and children in July has human rights activists asking why the UN peacekeeping mission can't prevent such atrocities.

Johannesburg, South Africa

The Rwandan rebels came down into the eastern Congolese town of Luvungi and occupied it for four days, systematically looting local homes and gang-raping more than 150 women and children.

Less than 20 miles away, two dozen soldiers from the world's largest United Nations peacekeeping force sat apparently unaware, seemingly unable to come to the village’s aid. The peacekeepers even made mobile patrols through some of the villages surrounding the occupied town of Luvungi itself, only to find that the rebels – the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR), whose members are blamed for the 1994 genocide in Rwanda – simply ran into the woods to hide, only to return when the UN forces were gone.

The attacks, which occurred in late July and were confirmed this week by the UN peacekeeping mission, have raised questions about just what the UN Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo is supposed to accomplish.

"During the attack [the rebels] looted [the] population's houses and raped several women in Luvungi and surrounding areas," Stefania Trassari, spokesperson for the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) was quoted as saying by Al Jazeera’s English service on Monday.

"International Medical Corps [a private aid group] reported that FDLR systematically raped the population during its four-day stay in Luvungi and surrounding areas," Ms. Trassari said. “A total of 179 cases of sexual violence were reported.”

In eastern Congo, rape is so prevalent as a method of war, both by armed militias and by the Congolese Army itself, that the UN calls it the “rape capital of the world.” It's also now become much more common among civilians in the war-torn areas.

The lingering violence in eastern Congo is one of the reasons the UN deployed some 20,000 peacekeepers in what is the most expensive peacekeeping mission in the world.

Yet, as the UN peacekeeping mission winds down – at the insistence of Congo's government – it is cases like the Luvungi mass rapes that raise questions about whether the government is ready to pick up its “primary responsibility” for security and protecting Congolese civilians from still-present armed groups.

If it is not ready, human rights activists ask, then what is the purpose of the UN peacekeeping mission?

“The situation in the [Congo] is getting more and more horrific, and this is just one case that we know about in which rape is used as a weapon of war,” says Sipho Mthathi, the office director of Human Rights Watch in Johannesburg. “The issue of civilians being attacked is there whether the UN attacks these militias or not. So as far as we are concerned, this requires urgent action. Either the UN figures this out, or they must be disbanded and something else should be put into its place.”

August 25, 2010

Islamic Suicide Bomber Attempts To Blow Up Mauritanian Barracks Was Shot And Killed! There Are Stories Like This ALL OVER THE WORLD!

Yahoo News
written by Ahmed Mohamed, Associated Press Writer
Wednesday August 25, 2010

NOUAKCHOTT, Mauritania – A suicide bomber attempted to drive a truck loaded with explosives into an army barracks but was shot and killed when he refused to stop the car before dawn on Wednesday, an army official said.

The high-ranking officer, who asked not to be identified because he is not authorized to speak to the media, said the truck exploded just outside the barracks, damaging several buildings in the town of Nema, located 680 miles (1,100 kilometers) east of Nouakchott.

The attack came two days after terror group al-Qaida of the Islamic Maghreb, or AQIM, released two Spanish aid workers who had been kidnapped while delivering supplies in Mauritania last November. In a recording sent to Spanish newspaper El Pais, the al-Qaida offshoot said the Spanish hostages were released because a part of their demands had been met, suggesting that the Spanish government had paid a ransom.

A Frenchman kidnapped in April by the al-Qaida affiliate was executed in July after a joint operation led by Mauritanian and French commandos attacked one of the terror group's camps in Mali.

Mauritania's military on Wednesday blamed the al-Qaida affiliate for the pre-dawn attack.

AQIM had promised to avenge the death of seven of their men in the attack and the army official said he believes the suicide attack was intended as payback for the July 22 raid.

Mauritania, a nation that straddles the Sahara desert on Africa's west coast, is a MODERATE Muslim republic. It has been ROCKED by the rise of the EXTREMIST GROUP, which began as an ISLAMIC REBELLION in Algeria, and in 2006 merged with al-Qaida. The group has bankrolled itself through 'kidnap economy' including Austrian, Swiss, French and Italian hostages.

Experts say the multimillion dollar ransoms being paid for the release of European hostages has allowed the organization to recruit better-trained fighters and to launch more sophisticated attacks.

Suicide bombers are relatively unknown in West Africa. The first such attack in Mauritania was on Aug. 8, 2009, when a terrorist wearing an explosive belt tried to blow himself up in front of the French embassy in Nouakchott. The militants openly claim on jihadi websites they want to topple the government in Mauritania to create an Islamic caliphate.

Wave of Attacks Sweeps Across Iraq! At Least 56 Killed As Insurgents Flex Muscle Amid U.S. Troop Drawdown!

Is this your "Mission Accomplished" Mr. President? Just asking. Yeah right, PEACEFUL LOVING relgion my a**!!! The proof is in the pudding. We don't have to make this sh*t up! :/ These radical Islamic extremist have NO RESPECT FOR LIFE! They are and have a HISTORY of KILLING the INNOCENT muslim people in Iraq to gain control. They are DEMENTED! Again I remind everybody the world over that satan comes to steal, kill and destroy! By the looks of many reports that I read daily about radical Islamic murders, that is precisely what they are GUILTY of doing in many many nations. No, I'm sorry Imam whatever your name is these radical Islamic extremist have MURDERED MORE INNOCENTS than you care to PUBLICLY ADMIT.

Here is some food for thought for all of you to chew on... Not ALL Muslims are terrorists, but ALL murderous destructive terrorists around the WORLD are Muslim.


Statesman News
written by Anthony Shadid, NY Times
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

BAGHDAD, Iraq — Insurgents unleashed a wave of coordinated attacks across Iraq on Wednesday, mostly targeting security forces in a demonstration of their ability to strike at will, offering their counterpoint to American aspirations of bringing the war in Iraq "to a responsible end."

The death toll of at least 56 made August the deadliest month for Iraqi police and soldiers in two years and came a day after the number of U.S. troops in Iraq had fallen to fewer than 50,000, their lowest level since the war began in 2003, as America plans to formally end its combat operations Tuesday.

In attacks within about three hours in 13 towns and cities, from southernmost Basra to restive Mosul in the north, insurgents deployed their full arsenal: hit-and-run shootings, roadside mines and more than a dozen car bombs.

"The message the insurgents want to deliver to the Iraqi people and the politicians is that we exist, and we choose the time and place," said Wael Abdel-Latif, a judge and former lawmaker. "They are carrying out such attacks when the Americans are still here, so just imagine what they can do after the Americans leave."

Throughout the troop drawdown, U.S. officials have insisted that, while work remains, Iraq's army and police force are ready to inherit control over security. Military officials have said they think that militants number only in the hundreds, and the military has issued a daily drumbeat of announcements that insurgent leaders and cadres have been arrested or killed in U.S.-Iraqi operations.

Wednesday's attacks were seemingly the insurgents' reply. The mostly Sunni insurgents proved their ability to undertake sophisticated attacks virtually anywhere in Iraq, capitalizing on the Shiite-led government's dysfunction and perceptions of U.S. vulnerability.

"The countdown has begun to return Iraq to the embrace of Islam and its Sunnis, with God's permission," read a statement on a prominent insurgent website Wednesday.

Beginning with the car bombing of a police station in a northern Baghdad neighborhood, the attacks seemed to sow chaos and confusion among the Iraqi police and soldiers who responded. Twice, police officers brawled with soldiers at the scene, where the blast sheared the top floors off six houses and bent streetlights like paper clips. In each confrontation, a shot was fired into the air before officers broke up the fight.

The police kept angry residents away, but the residents, in turn, heckled them for their impotence in stopping a blast that cut like a scythe through the street. While dismembered bodies were pulled from the rubble, others remained entombed.

"You get millions of dinars in salaries and you won't let us help our families?" one youth shouted. Another cried, "You just take money and don't care about us!"

An Iraqi investigator walked by. "This is the state?" he said. "This is the government?"

Since Iraq's March 7 elections failed to produce a clear winner, U.S. officials have feared that competing political factions could stir up widespread violence.

"Here you have a government paralysis, you have a political vacuum you have the U.S. troop withdrawal," Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari said. "And, in such environment, these terrorist networks flourish."

For weeks, there had been a sense of inevitability about attacks, and U.S. military officials had warned that the insurgents would seek to show their prowess during the holy month of Ramadan. But the anticipation seemed to do little to prepare security forces for the breadth of the strikes, which followed what has become a daily campaign of bombings, hit-and-run attacks and assassinations against security forces and officials in Baghdad and elsewhere.

In one of the worst assaults Wednesday, in the southern city of Kut, Iraqi officials said a car bomb detonated by its driver killed 19 people and wounded 87, most of them police officers, in an attack that destroyed the police station near the provincial headquarters.

In Diyala province, five roadside bombs were detonated in the morning in Buhriz. The first was against a police patrol, a second against reinforcements who were heading to the scene and three others targeted houses belonging to police officers, officials said. They were followed by a car bomb that struck the provincial headquarters in Baqouba, northeast of Baghdad, killing three people. Another car bomb struck a hospital in nearby Muqdadiya.

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