December 24, 2015

Sensitive Cancer Full Moon on Friday, December 25 by Kelley Rosano.

written by Kelley Rosano
she can be contacted at:
[source: Crystal Wind]

There is a sensitive Cancer Full Moon on December 25. The Sun is in Capricorn. The Moon is in Cancer. This Moon highlights your need to balance your personal needs with your needs for accomplishment. Have you been too focused on your work at the expense of your personal life? Have you been too focused on relationships at the expense of your work? Do what supports your balance.

There are no challenging aspects to this Full Moon. This is good news. This too is a far cry from the Cancer Moons of the past. Neptune is the planet of ideals and purification. He is in positive energy flow with both lights (the Sun and the Moon.) This is a wonderful energy to be with family and friends. It is time to celebrate. This Full Moon is fantastic for meditation and retreat. Come apart from the world. Your quiet time could reap rewards for you. It is a magical energy to merge with Creator. You can feel the presence of God. This Cancer Full Moon is gift from God. You unite with your Inner Being, your Higher Self. You could feel creative. This Full Moon brings the action to where Cancer lands in your natal birth chart.
  • What do you want to create?
  • What makes you feel good?
  • What inspires you?
  • What makes your heart sing?
  • What do you appreciate about yourself?
This Full Moon is in close proximity to the winter/summer solstice. Cancer takes you deep inside of Self. Cancer seeks to create a sense of home and family. The experience of nourishing bonds. Surroundings that support your growth. When you cultivate your inner life. Your Inner Being. Your soul light increases and radiates out to nurture others. This is real beauty. You ultimately realize that home is inside of you. It is the light of your own heart. We are all family. We are connected to each other through our heart flame. We are connected to each other through our soul and Higher Self. This is the God stuff of you. All Are One.

Capricorn is the doorway out. The climb to your Mighty I Am Presence. Capricorn is where you merge with your Higher Self. Capricorn is where you are to create structures based on spiritual truth. That you are a great spiritual being. You are having a human experience. You are not a worthless sinner. You are not trying to be spiritual. You are spiritual. You are spirit in matter. The dark side to Capricorn is being too concerned with status and money.

Uranus moves direct at the time of the Full Moon. This is a cosmic message for you. It is time to make real changes in your life. Surface changes will not work. It is time to dig deep. What needs to change for you? Uranus stationed retrograde on July 26. What happened for you in late July and early August? Where are you ready to make a huge leap now? You will be successful in every way that you reach out to encounter new experience.

The Cancer Full Moon speaks to the power of your emotions. Feelings are your indicators. Feelings show you that you are on the right path. Feelings demonstrate what is true for you. You create music, art and writing from the passion of your feelings. Cancer rules feelings. Cancer is about your soul power. You are being asked to nourish and nurture you. Be true to your needs. Allow your feelings to guide you because your feelings are your truth. You may be extra sensitive so take good care of you.

This is a special Full Moon. This is the first time there has been a Full Moon on Christmas since 1977, thirty-eight years ago. It was the year that we discovered Chiron. It was also the year the first Star Wars movie was released. Be true to you. Be blessed. Be well. Be safe. You Are Loved. We are all family. All Are One. The Force is with You. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

“You don’t have to take the bad with the good. Why include the bad in the vibration? Only include the good in the vibration, and then only the good can come to you.” —- Abraham

Magical Blessings,
Kelley Rosano

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