March 17, 2015

ISRAEL: From Al-Aqsa Mosque Located In Jerusalem, On March 6, 2015 Sheik Abu Abdallah Rebukes Pakistan For Not Launching Nuclear Strike To Help Establish GLOBAL Caliphate.

Published on Mar 16, 2015 This video-clip contains two addresses at the Al-Aqsa Mosque delivered by preacher Muhammad Abed ("Abu Abdallah") on March 6 and 13, 2015. He rebuked Pakistan, asking: "Why do some generals, who have the ability to change history with one swift blow, refrain from doing so?" America, he said, would be "trampled by the hooves of the horses of the Caliph of the Muslims."

The following transcript provided by

This video-clip contains two addresses at the Al-Aqsa Mosque delivered by preacher Muhammad Abed ("Abu Abdallah") on March 6 and 13, 2015. He rebuked Pakistan, asking: "Why do some generals, who have the ability to change history with one swift blow, refrain from doing so?" America, he said, would be "trampled by the hooves of the horses of the Caliph of the Muslims."

March 6, 2015

Sheikh Muhammad Abed "Abu Abdallah": "Oh how similar to the past is the present! Just like the ideology of the Prophet Muhammad laid siege to the Quraysh tribe, the Persians, and the Byzantines, today, the religion and ideology of Muhammad – including Islam's men of Truth, the men of the Caliphate and of jihad – are laying siege to America, despite its nuclear arsenal. They are laying siege to Europe and to the fabricated democracy, the great lie. They are constantly publishing new statements. They claim that they have come to fight the Islamic State organization, which they call ISIS – the organization of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. But they bomb Jabhat Al-Nusra and the Muslims in Syria. They are bombing the very idea of a Caliphate, which has taken root among the people of Syria, Iraq, and the other Muslim lands.


"Oh Nation of Islam, only a real Caliphate is capable of satiating your hunger, of defending you and your honor, and of liberating your Al-Aqsa Mosque from the filth of the defilers [meaning the Jews and Christians (emphasis mine)].

Oh Nation of Islam, listen to the advice. You are our nation. Oh army of Pakistan, you are a nuclear army. Why do some generals, who have the ability to change history with one swift blow, refrain from doing so? They have nuclear weapons."


March 13, 2015

Sheikh Muhammad Abed "Abu Abdallah": "Oh rulers of Tehran, do you think that you were given a free hand in Syria, in Yemen, in Lebanon, and in Iraq, just because you are so likeable? Do you think that America loves you more than it loves Israel?


"Iran has become the most important country to America, because America knows full well that the Caliphate is near, and that it will be terrible and mighty, and that if it is established, Allah willing, it will reach their strongholds in all the capitals of the West. That is why they are using Shi'ite Iran to strike at the enterprise of the Sunni Muslims.

"Enough with your stupidity! You will never become an empire, oh rulers of Iran! You will never be a country in the Islamic world, because you were created to serve as a dagger in the side of the nation, and down the throat of the Caliphate. This is what you were created for – in the past and in the present. I advise you to snap out of your illusions.


"America will be trampled by the hooves of the horses of the Caliph of the Muslims, Allah willing. This is the promise of Allah. Where will you be when it is being fulfilled? [Oh rulers of Iran], you will fall. You will not be saved."

The Necromonger Empire
[source: Chronicles of Riddick film]


I would like to point out that this and every other Islamist jihadist attack happening every day around the world has NOTHING TO DO with the bullsh*t being peddled by U.S. President Obama, the media, and Islamist “to seek revenge over U.S. policies in the Middle East”.

The Islamist have made clear they are "waging jihad against enemies of Islam" and they hate ALL people on this earth who are not sharia practicing Islamist because "Western education is sinful" which includes ALL non-Islamic people. The sharia practicing Wahhabi Islamist have technically hated all non-Islamist (Infidels) since the early 1900's and have been waging war against ALL infidels since then.

I shared an interview that Egyptian Salafi Cleric Murgan Salem gave on 4/13/2013 where he states quite clearly:
"I am not from Al-Qaeda, I can say, as someone who has known these people that the path of Al-Qaeda is the path of the Koran, which calls upon (Muslims) to wage Jihad against infidels who attack them, and intervene in their affairs. This is the path of Islam and the Koran, and not something invented by Osama Bin Laden. No, it was not invented by Osama or Ayman. It was sent down by Allah, and anyone who thinks he can defeat this path is delusional. Anyone who does not accept Islam. They are either original infidels, like the Jews and Christians, or apostates, like the secularists, liberals, communists or socialists. Whoever does not accept Islam is an infidel. Allah said so, not me. Because the (French) are leading the war against us. What brought France to Mali? Or America to Afghanistan and Iraq? Why don't they let our nation be? Have we ever interfered in their affairs?"
Um "intervene in their affairs" of sending their Islamic militant jihadi's to foreign nations to overthrow governments and impose Islamic sharia law. He and other Islamic Supremacist are pissed off their Islamic militant jihadi soldiers are being stopped from imposing strict sharia law in those countries. Because that my dear friends is what the global Jihadi movement intends to do in every country around the world. And by him saying why don't they let our nation be, he is referring to the "Nation of Islam", not a country.

Do yourself and your family a huge favor and read this page to understand the reality we are up against: From Saudi Arabia Wahhabi Islam to the Muslim Brotherhood. Muslim Brotherhood: The roots of Pan-Islamic Jihad and wars in Sudan, Palestine, Bosnia, Chechnya and Egypt

I would like to emphasize that there are muslims all over the world who are freedom loving muslims that do not practice Wahhabi Islamic Sharia Law. These freedom loving muslims are being murdered in cold blood (because they refuse to convert to their man-made Islamic sharia law) by the muslims that practice and want to impose pure Mohammadan sharia law all over the world. The Muslim Brotherhood carries the flame of Wahhabi Islamic Jihad worldwide bankrolled by Saudi Arabia royal family/oil money and Iran mullahs who have accounts set up in Switzerland. BOTH have imposed Saudi Wahhabi Islamic sharia law on their nation. It's one big mind game on us unassuming infidels.

Why is it a mind game? Because up front the Islamic Totalitarian Regimes of Saudi Arabia and Iran act like they can't stand each other and act like they have nothing to do with the Islamic militants murdering innocent civilians around the world in order to impose sharia law in a new country. All the while behind the scenes they are BOTH funding the Muslim Brotherhood (CAIR), Hamas (CAIR), Hezbollah, Taliban, Al Qaeda, ISIS and all of their affiliates around the world.

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