April 21, 2014

USA: Cliven Bundy Family Finds BLM Mass Cattle Graves – Dead Bulls (Graphic Video And Photo) This Is SO WRONG! Can You See It's NOT About The Grazing Fees, It's About Federal Crony Intimidation! >:/

4-21-14 - (Fox News) - Carol Bundy, the wife of Cliven Bundy, and their daughter Stetsy Bundy, explained to Greta Van Susteren tonight how they have now found a mass grave where several cattle where killed and then buried by the BLM. Not only that, but many killed were female cattle and that especially hurts their livelihood.

Carol Bundy also pointed out the inhumane way that some were killed, noting that one or more cows were shot 7 or 8 times, meaning a lot of torture for those cows which is something that should never happen. She said even when they send fat cows to the slaughter, they are killed quickly and humanely so that they never experience any pain or suffering.
From the Bundy Ranch facebook page:
(Graphic picture) Digging up 1 of the HUGE holes where they threw the cows that they had ran to death or shot. I feel that this NEEDS to be put out for the public to see.

The Gateway Pundit
written by Jim Hoft
Monday April 20, 2014

The Bureau of Land Management destroyed water lines and water tanks belonging to the Cliven Bundy family. The feds also shot two prized bulls and ran over at least one endangered tortoise den.

Inquisitr reported:

Bundy ranch family members and friends spent much of their weekend moving cattle shot or run to death during the BLM standoff earlier this month. The graphic images have gone viral online, shocking both rancher and animal advocates alike.

The first mass cattle graves photos released by Cliven Bundy and his supporters on Sunday appear to substantiate reports by witnesses who first reported the cattle deaths. Nevada assemblywoman Michel Fiore was among those who maintained that BLM agents either killed cattle by either shooting them or running them to death during the Bunkerville incident. Fiore posted several images of the cow grave on Twitter last night, labeling the posting, “#BLM massacre. This isn’t how you herd cattle.”
“Near their compound, right off the highway, they were digging holes. They tried to bury some cows on the compound, but I guess they didn’t dig the hole deep enough, so they throw a cow in and they put dirt over him and you have cow’s legs sticking out of the dirt.”
Clinton, Reid And Obama Wealthy Leftist Democratic Cronies Behind Push To Remove Bundy Cattle In Nevada. EXPOSED!!! An Absolute MUST READ.

"It’s Time" Lawmakers From 9 States Gather In Utah, Discuss Ways To Take Control Of Federal Lands Within Their State Borders. WooHoo! Great News! :)

Arizona Official: Cliven Bundy's Acts Are Legal. This is why it's so VERY IMPORTANT to know your rights. Americans that don't know their rights get seriously taken advantage of.

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